5. peter and rosemary grant studied beak size in finches during drought and post drought in the galapagos island. what was their finding about the selection of beak size?


Answer 1

The Grants found that the birds who survived the 1977 drought tended to have larger offspring with larger beaks. The subsequent generation saw an increase in larger-beaked finches as a result of this ecological adaptation.

The Grant research team discovered that although the number of finch had increased during the drought, the average size of their beaks had increased. The main reason for this was that during the drought, large seeds with thick husks were still readily accessible, but small seeds were exceedingly scarce. The Grants returned to Daphne Major in 1978 to investigate the effects of the drought on the offspring of the medium ground finches. They looked at the young and compared the size of their mandibles to that of the ancestors (before to the drought). It was found that the beaks of the offspring were 3-4% larger than those of the grandparents.

Learn more about offspring



Related Questions

which is the reason that the bacterium escherichia coli would be the probable causative agent in a client with cystitis


The reason that the bacterium Escherichia coli would be the probable causative agent in a client with cystitis as it is a virulent bacterium.

Facultative anaerobes like Escherichia coli make up around 0.1% of the gut microbiota, and fecal-oral transfer is the primary route of disease transmission for these pathogenic strains of bacteria. Because they may briefly live outside the body, cells make good indicator organisms for fecal contamination testing on environmental samples. Research into E. coli that can remain in the environment for several days without a host is progressing. The bacteria is easy to culture and cultivate in a lab environment and has been the subject of extensive research for more than 60 years. Escherichia coli needs a source of carbon and energy in its chemically defined media since it is a chemoheterotroph.

The complete question is:

Which is the reason that the bacterium Escherichia coli would be the probable causative agent in a client with cystitis?

1. It thrives in the kidneys

2. It is a virulent bacterium

3. It inhabits the intestinal tract

4. It competes with fungi for host sites

To learn more about Escherichia coli click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/5870996


What does it mean to examine all sides of scientific evidence of a scientific explanation?


Scientific evidence can be used to support or refute a scientific theory or hypothesis; however, scientists can also utilize evidence in other contexts, such as when they apply theories to real-world issues.

What three components comprise a scientific explanation?

The assertion (or justification), the supporting data (or observations), and the justification (or the reasoning). explanation of the evidence's significance and the reasons it supports the assertion.

Claim + Evidence + Reasoning = Scientific Explanation

What should a scientific explanation include and in what order?

An explanation of a situation, action, or idea that uses a predetermined set of scientific facts, principles, and presumptions. The steps of the scientific process should be followed in this order: observations, queries, hypotheses, experiments, interpretation of the results, and drawing conclusions.

To know more about scientific explanation visit



the ________ is a highly conserved amino acid sequence found in immunoglobulin, tcr, and mhc proteins.


Immunoglobulin, tcr, and mhc proteins all contain the C domain, which has a conserved amino acid sequence.

What are some examples of amino acids?

The nine amino acids histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine are thought to be essential. The non-essential amino acids are serine, alanine, aspartic acid, asparagine, and aspartic acid.

What time of day should I take my amino acids?

Protein eaten right before bed is efficiently digested and absorbed, enhancing the availability of amino acid residues while you sleep overnight. Greater amino acid availability while you sleep increases muscle protein synthesis rates and enhances the net protein equilibrium throughout your body during overnight recovery.

To know more about amino acid visit



What are the criteria for classification?


There are nine main criteria for classification:

SymmetryBody cavityAppendagesSkeletonSegmentationCirculatory systemEmbryonic developmentHabitatGerm layers

The criteria are :

Animals can be radially symmetrical, bilaterally symmetrical, or asymmetrical, according to the following classification criteria: 1. Animals' bodies may or may not be divided into segments. Animals may have organs or components that are attached to the trunk or outside of the body. Animals can have either an exoskeleton or an endoskeleton. Evolution of the embryoAn animal's circulatory system can be open or closed.Animals can have a coelomate, psuedocoelomate, or coelomate body cavity.Animals can be either terrestrial or aquatic in their habitat. Aquatic creatures can exist in both freshwater and saltwater.Animals can have diploblastic or triploblastic germ layers.

To know more about criteria for classification refer here:



farmers need to make many decisions about how they grow their crops. one of these decisions is whether to use synthetic fertilizer or organic fertilizer, such as manure. t or f


Farmers need to make many decisions about how they grow their crops. one of these decisions is whether to use synthetic fertilizer or organic fertilizer, such as manure is true.

Organic fertilizers are readily available mineral sources that have a sufficient concentration of vital minerals for plants. They have the ability to reduce issues brought on by synthetic fertilizers. They reduce the requirement for recurrent synthetic fertilizer applications to maintain soil fertility. They maintain nutrient balance for the proper growth of agricultural plants and gradually release nutrients into the soil solution.

In comparison to chemical fertilizers, the organic fertilizers are safer. However, using organic fertilizers incorrectly might result in over fertilization or nutrient deficiencies in the soil. Therefore, the regulated release of organic fertilizers is a cutting-edge and efficient technique to mitigate these effects and keep the output of sustainable agriculture.

The usage of organic fertilizers offers the advantages of being affordable, enhancing soil texture, aeration, structure, and water retention while also promoting the growth of healthy roots. Minerals, animal sources, sewage sludge, and plants are just a few of the sources for organic fertilizer.

To know more about Organic fertilizers refer here:



true or false? there is a high risk that crops engineered to contain insecticides will harm nondestructive species important to biodiversity. true false


the correct answer would be false

The Threatened Specie Act prohibit trade or product made from threatened or endangered pecie. True


The given statement is TRUE. A foundation for the conservation and protection of threatened species and endangered species, as well as their habitats, both domestically and overseas, is provided under the Endangered Species Act of 1973.

In accordance with ESA, critical habitat must be identified and its removal is forbidden. The Endangered Species Act establishes protections for fish, mammals, and plants that are categorized as threatened or endangered. It allows for the addition and deletion of species from the list of threatened and endangered species as well as the creation and implementation of recovery plans. A threatened species is one that "is likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a considerable portion of its range," according to the ESA.

Find out  more about Endangered Species Act



What are the function of the Auxin hormone in plant's. Choose the correct answer
A ) ! ck jd pyk v zc !
B ) ! ck jd pyk v zc !


Auxin is a plant hormone that plays a crucial role in plant growth and development. Some of its main functions include:

Promoting cell division and elongation, which helps the plant grow taller and thicker

Regulating the development and growth of lateral buds, which helps the plant branch out and become more complex

Controlling the orientation of the plant's shoots and roots, which helps the plant absorb nutrients and anchor itself in the ground

Regulating the development of fruits and flowers, which helps the plant reproduce and spread its genetic material.

Overall, auxin plays a vital role in the plant's ability to grow, develop, and adapt to its environment.

Auxin is a plant hormone that plays a crucial role in plant growth and development. Some of its main functions include:

Promoting cell division and elongation, which helps the plant grow taller and thicker

Regulating the development and growth of lateral buds, which helps the plant branch out and become more complex

Controlling the orientation of the plant's shoots and roots, which helps the plant absorb nutrients and anchor itself in the ground

Regulating the development of fruits and flowers, which helps the plant reproduce and spread its genetic material.

Overall, auxin plays a vital role in the plant's ability to grow, develop, and adapt to its environment.

Select the post-translational modifications of histones that are most commonly associated with changes in transcription levels in eukaryotes.

a. acetylation and lipidation
b. methylation and acetylation
c. glycosylation and ubiquitination
d. methylation and carboxylation


Correct option  C - methylation as well as acetylation

A DNA molecule is acetylated when an acetyl group is added, and a DNA molecule is methylated when a methyl group is added.

It is generally known that both histone deacetylation and DNA methylation inhibit gene transcription. In contrast, when histones are deacetylated by HDAC, their electrostatic contacts with DNA become stronger, resulting in relaxed chromatin that upregulates transcription.

Histone acetylation and DNA methylation are examples of epigenetic changes. However, histone acetylation is a chemical covalent modification that occurs in proteins as a post-translational modification of histone proteins, whereas DNA methylation occurs at the DNA level.

Histone modification, which includes methylation, phosphorylation, acetylation, ubiquitylation, and sumoylation, is a covalent post-translational modification of histone proteins. These changes to chromatin structure can regulate gene expression.

Learn more about " methylation and acetylation " to visit here;



assuming the system gets 3 atp per nadh and 2 per fadh2, how many atp molecules are produced (ignore any consumption) from the tca cycle alone? (starting at acetyl-coa and ending at oxaloacetate?)


The TCA cycle generates two ATPs for each glucose molecule (2 acetyl CoA).

The Krebs or citric acid cycle, sometimes referred to as the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, is the main source of energy for cells and is crucial for aerobic respiration.

Glycolysis and the TCA cycle are both aspects of cellular respiration.

In living things, food materials are broken down during cellular respiration, and the energy that is released is then stored as ATP and utilised for a number of crucial tasks. Carbohydrates are the main respiratory substrate. Glycolysis, the initial stage of cellular respiration, takes place in the cytoplasm of all living things. It can also be found in anaerobic organisms because it doesn't need oxygen to function. The multi-step enzymatic process involves the partial oxidation of glucose and there are produced two pyruvate molecules.

There is a net gain of 2 ATPs during glycolysis.

Learn more about " TCA cycle " to visit here;



how would you determine the probability of getting an f2 offspring that is homozygous recessive for both traits?


With the help of Punnett square, we can determine that there is a 25% probability of getting an f2 offspring that is homozygous recessive for both traits.

To determine the probabilities, we can utilize a Punnett square table or just do some simple scenario planning. Each parent has a genotype of Ff, where each allele has an equal chance of being passed on to a child. Therefore, there is a 50% chance that a parent will contribute the dominant allele F1 and a 50% chance that a parent will contribute the recessive allele f2. Here is a list of the possibilities:

There is a 50% x 50% = 25% probability that both of the offspring's alleles are dominant.

There is a 50% x 50% = 25% probability that both of the offspring's alleles are recessive and homozygous.

There is a 50% x 50% + 50% x 50% = 25% + 25% = 50% probability that the offspring is heterozygous.

Therefore, for parents who share the genotype F1F2, there is a 25% chance that their offspring will be F1F1, a 25% chance that they will be F2F2, and a 50% chance that they will be F1F2. These probabilities are significant because of what comes afterward.

The complete question is:

When Mendel set up a Parental (P) cross between true-breeding purple and white flowered plants to generate the F1 and then allowed the F1 to self-pollinate to generate the F2 he saw a dominant-to-recessive ratio of 3:1, how would you determine the probability of getting an f2 offspring that is homozygous recessive for both traits?

To learn more about recessive alleles please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/1217908


what is the product of meiosis 2

A. Two diploid cells

B. Four diploid cells

C. Four haploid cells

D. Two haploid cells​


Answer: C. Four haploid cells

Explanation: The product is four haploid cells that each have one copy of  every chromosome.


sometimes errors occur during transcription or translation. examine the codon chart on the previous page. notice that each amino acid is coded for by several different codons. for example, alanine is coded for by gcu, gcc, gca, and gcg. how might this offset transcription or translation errors?


Errors in transcription or translation can be offset by the redundancy of the genetic code. The codon chart displayed on the previous page shows that each amino acid is coded for by multiple different codons. This redundancy helps to reduce the likelihood of errors in translation or transcription.

For example, Alanine can be coded for by four different codons: GCU, GCC, GCA and GCG. This means that if a mutation occurs in the coding strand of DNA, such as a single base substitution, the new codon may still code for Alanine. As a result, the amino acid sequence will not be changed and the protein product of the gene will remain the same. This is known as a silent mutation and it can offset errors in transcription or translation.

The redundancy of the genetic code also helps to reduce the chances of errors occurring during translation. This is because, if a codon is misread, the cell can still recognize the correct amino acid. For example, if a cell misreads the codon for Alanine (GCA) as GAA, the cell will still recognize the correct amino acid because GAA is the codon for Glutamic Acid. This means that the protein product of the gene will remain the same.

In conclusion, the redundancy of the genetic code helps to offset errors in transcription and translation by allowing single base substitutions to go unnoticed and allowing codons to be misread without changing the amino acid sequence of the protein product.

Learn more about transcription at : https://brainly.com/question/8146084


what is the name of semi-permeable membrane which encloses the cytoplasm and all of the cellular organelles?


The semi-permeable membrane that encloses the cytoplasm and all of the cellular organelles is called the plasma membrane.

The semi-permeable membrane which encloses the cytoplasm and all of the cellular organelles is called the Plasma Membrane. This membrane is made up of two layers of phospholipids, which form a lipid bilayer. The phospholipids have a hydrophilic (water-loving) head and a hydrophobic (water-fearing) tail, which ensures that the membrane is impermeable to large molecules, such as proteins and sugars. In addition, the membrane contains various proteins and carbohydrates which give it a variety of functions. These proteins act as receptors for molecules, allowing them to move into and out of the cell, and as enzymes that catalyze reactions. Additionally, the carbohydrates on the outer surface of the membrane help to identify the cell and enable it to recognize other cells. The plasma membrane also contains cholesterol, which helps to maintain its fluidity and stability.

To learn more about semi-permeable membrane:



What happens when tectonic plates slide past each other violently?

Outer core rocks grind against each other causing earthquakes.
Crustal rocks grind against each other causing mountains.
Inner core rocks grind against each other causing earthquakes.
Crustal rocks grind against each other causing earthquakes.




When tectonic plates slide past each other violently, it causes Earthquakes, meaning that it can't be #2.

That leaves #1, #3, and #4

My answer: The third type of plate boundary occurs where tectonic plates slide horizontally past each other. This is known as a transform plate boundary. As the plates rub against each other, huge stresses can cause portions of the rock to break, resulting in earthquakes. Places where these breaks occur are called faults.


inner core rocks grind against each other causing earthquake

For an enzyme-catalyzed reaction, when the enzyme is denatured and loses its shape, what is affected?


Enzymes are biocatalysts. They increase the rate of a chemical reaction and any change in the shape of enzyme due to its denaturation will make the enzyme ineffective and slow down the biochemical reaction.

What is an enzyme?

Enzymes are the biocatalysts which when present in a reaction increases the rate of a biochemical reaction. This increase in the rate of a reaction is possible due to the lowering of activation energy which is required by the reactant molecules to transform into product molecules.

The function of enzyme is dependent upon the ability of an enzyme to bind to its specific substrate, as enzymes show the property of specificity that is they only bind to specific substrate molecules. The loss of an enzyme's three-dimensional structure or any modulation in the structure as a result of denaturation of the enzyme renders the enzyme ineffective. As a result, the biochemical reactions are slowed down to the rates that are not sustainable for life and takes very long time to complete and form product molecules.

Learn more about Enzymes here:



FILL IN THE BLANK. a terminator in mrna synthesis is a(n) __________.



Specific nucleotide sequence in DNA that signals a stop


A terminator in mRNA synthesis is a specific nucleotide sequence in DNA that signals a stop.

A researcher claims that increased atmospheric carbon dioxide levels cause increased growth rates in plants. Which of the following statements best supports the researcher’s claim?


The researcher's contention that atmospheric carbon dioxide serves as the precursor to photosynthesis, which plants use to create sugars and other organic molecules, is best supported by the assertions.

According to experts, plants with high CO2 levels have thicker leaves, which might exacerbate the consequences of climate change. Scientists studying plants have found that most species do something odd when atmospheric carbon dioxide levels rise: their leaves thicken.

The finding that increased carbon dioxide only boosted plant growth when nitrate, water, & temperature were preserved at normal levels was the biggest revelation from the study.

The rate of photosynthesis typically rises until it reaches a certain point because an increase in carbon dioxide concentration accelerates the rate during which carbon is integrated into carbs in the light-independent process.

Learn more about carbon dioxide at



explain the major features of an operon, including what sites would be found in this type of bacterial promoter in e coli


An operon is made up of several structural genes that are linked together by a common promoter and controlled by a common operator. The upstream regulatory region of the bacterial coding regions contains the promoter, that is, the DNA sequence which determines specific recognition by RNAP

An operon is made up of three basic pieces of DNA:

A promoter is a nucleotide sequence that enables gene transcription.An operator a repressor binds to an operator, which is a segment of DNA.Structural genes are those that are regulated by an operon.

Operons are areas of DNA that encompass clusters of associated genes. They consist of a promoter region, an operator, and several related genes. The operator can be found within the promoter itself or somewhere between the promoter and the genes. By binding to the promoter region, RNA polymerase initiates transcription.

For more information on Operons, visit :



In terms of its involvement in mutagenesis, 5BU is best described as View Available Hint(s) O a rare form of adenine that can base pair with cytosine O a chemical that alters the structure of nitrogenqus bases O a base analog that, if incorporated into a DNA molecule during replication, remains permanently in ts rare form O a base analog that can cause either A-T > G.C or G.C A.T transitions


A base analog that can cause A-T > G-C or G-C>A-T transitions.

Thymine's base analog is 5BU. The thymine analog 5BU pairs with Guanine while thymine pairs with Adenine. The bromine atom in 5BU can switch between its keto and enol forms.

During replication, an A-T pair generates an A-5BU pair when 5BU in keto form replaces the thymine. The unusual enol form of 5BU pairs with G in the first mutagenic phase of replication, and then G couples with C in the subsequent replication cycle. Consequently, the change from the A-T to the G-C pair takes place.

Rarely, the 5-BU in enol form can function as a cytosine analog. This causes C to be replaced by 5BU, turning the G-C pair into a G-BU pair, which eventually transforms into an A-T pair during the second replication cycle.

Therefore, 5BU is a base analog that can lead to transitions from A-T to G-C or G-C to A-T.

To know more about 5BU here:



The formation of simple to complex organic molecules leading to emergence of life on the earth occurred in the reducing atmosphere of primitive earth. Such phenomenon was facilitated by
A. absence of carbon.
B. absence of oxygen.
C. presence of nitrogen.
D. presence of hydrogen.​



D. presence of hydrogen.​


The formation of simple to complex organic molecules leading to the emergence of life on Earth occurred in the reducing atmosphere of the primitive Earth. Such phenomenon was facilitated by the presence of hydrogen.

The early Earth was a very different place than it is today. The atmosphere was rich in reducing gases such as methane, ammonia, and water vapor, but it was relatively poor in oxygen. This lack of oxygen, combined with the presence of hydrogen and other reducing gases, provided the conditions necessary for the formation of simple organic molecules.

Over time, these simple organic molecules combined to form more complex molecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids. These molecules eventually gave rise to the first living cells, marking the beginning of life on Earth.

The presence of hydrogen was critical to this process. Hydrogen is a highly reactive gas, and it can easily react with other molecules to form more complex compounds. In the reducing atmosphere of the primitive Earth, hydrogen played a key role in the formation of simple organic molecules, which eventually gave rise to life.

In summary, the formation of simple to complex organic molecules leading to the emergence of life on Earth occurred in the reducing atmosphere of the primitive Earth. This phenomenon was facilitated by the presence of hydrogen, which played a key role in the formation of simple organic molecules and the emergence of life.

This type of phenomenon was facilitated by presence of hydrogen.​

How are simple to complex organic molecules formed on Earth?

Life on Earth arose from the formation of simple to complex organic molecules in the depleting atmosphere of the primitive Earth, which was facilitated by the presence of hydrogen.

The early Earth was a very different place when it compares to today. The atmosphere was rich in reducing gases like methane, ammonia, and water vapor, but it was relatively low in oxygen due to which it combined with the presence of hydrogen and other reducing gases providing the prerequisites for the formation of complex organic molecules.

The presence of hydrogen was critical to the process because it is a highly reactive gas that can readily react with other molecules to form more complex compounds. In the depleting atmosphere of the primitive Earth, hydrogen played a key role in the formation of the complex organic molecules that gave rise to life.

Thus, this type of phenomenon was facilitated by presence of hydrogen.​

Learn more about Hydrogen, here:



streptomyces, mycobacterium, pseudomonas, bacillus, and clostridium are bacterial genera that may all be involved in what process that is important for plant growth and ecosystem health?


The bacterial genera streptomyces, mycobacterium, pseudomonas, bacillus, and clostridium are all involved in the process of nitrogen fixation that is important for plant growth and ecosystem health.

Nitrogen fixation is the process of converting the environmental nitrogen into usable forms by the plants. This is done by the legumes of the plants as well as the various nitrogen fixing microorganisms. biological fixation of nitrogen is the major process through which nitrogen is fixed.

Ecosystem is comprised of the abiotic and biotic factors of an area existing by being interdependent one each other. The abiotic factors are the rocks, soil, temperature, wind, sunlight, etc.

To know more about ecosystem, here



what evolutionary advantage does compartmentalization of core metabolic processes offer eukaryotes? responses evolution of the mitochondria allowed eukaryotes to perform respiration. evolution of the mitochondria allowed eukaryotes to perform respiration. with the evolution of mitochondria in eukaryotes, the krebs cycle and electron transport chain also evolved. with the evolution of mitochondria in eukaryotes, the krebs cycle and electron transport chain also evolved. evolution of a nucleus in eukaryotes separates the processes of transcription and translation and they can be regulated separately. evolution of a nucleus in eukaryotes separates the processes of transcription and translation and they can be regulated separately. a nucleus in bacteria provides separation of respiration from transcription.


The eukaryotes I want to say

bones offer unique evidence about the history of adaptations the human body has undergone.
Which sentence from the article provides the BEST support to the statement above?

(A) Numbers in biology help us discover new insights, so much so that researchers have set up a database and a handbook of many "bionumbers" across many species, collected from the scientific literature.

(B) Feeding this model with data on the proxy network, we calculated that 23 trillion connections exist in the osteocyte network of the human body.

(C) We can use this information to understand how bones have evolved to become the self-detecting and
self-regulating biomaterial we own; that's something that can't be done with brain fossils.

(D) In the meantime, the next time you stand up, walk around or do weights, think about how the network of osteocytes in your bones are responding to the stresses and strains you are putting it through.



(C) We can use this information to understand how bones have evolved to become the self-detecting and self-regulating biomaterial we own; that's something that can't be done with brain fossils.


explain the importance of exocytosis (secretion) in cellular communication and the regulation of metabolic processes, including digestion.


Exocytosis effectively ousts the loss from the cells to keep a stable interior climate. During the course of endocytosis, cells use proteins and lipids from the plasma layer to deliver vesicles.

The exocytosis cycle conveys proteins, lipids, and carbs to the plasma layer or the extracellular space to support plant cell development, improvement, and reaction to natural boosts. Endocytosis is the course of effectively moving atoms into the cell by immersing them in its layer. Endocytosis and exocytosis are utilized by all cells to ship atoms that can't go through the film inactively. Exocytosis gives the contrary capability and pushes particles out of the cell. Endocytosis and exocytosis are significant systems for bringing substances into and out of a phone. Cells use exocytosis to discharge proteins. A significant number of the proteins made on the harsh endoplasmic reticulum and handled by the Golgi device are arranged into vesicles bound for the plasma layer.

To learn more about the digestive system,



The ________ is a highly conserved amino acid sequence found in immunoglobulin, tcr, and mhc proteins.


Answer: I have no idea


but good luck

The orbital period of an object is 2 × 107 s and its total radius is 4 × 1010 m.

The tangential speed of the satellite is
m/s. (Round to the nearest whole number, do not add any punctuation.)


V - velocity
d - distance
t - time

(C - circumference
T - period)
Since it is a circular motion, we should take this values, which are equivalent

V=2*pi*R/T= 2*3.14*(4*1010)/(2*107)=119

if an animal is in respiratory distress, many times the veterinarian will request they be positioned lying on their belly for chest films. what position is this called?


"The veterinarian will frequently suggest that an animal be placed laying on its tummy for chest films if it is experiencing respiratory distress. This posture is referred to as dorsoventral.

The term "radiographic positioning" refers to the placement of the body, or more specifically, to the region of the body that is closest to the focal plane. The primary imaging technique used to assess thoracic trauma, particularly rib fractures and related sequelae, is computed tomography (CT). Studies have demonstrated that even in individuals with first radiographs that are normal, CT can reveal serious illnesses (such as thoracic aortic damage) (3)."The veterinarian will frequently suggest that an animal be placed laying on its tummy for chest films if it is experiencing respiratory distress. This posture is referred to as dorsoventral. LIVER. Between both the diaphragm and the stomach, on the cranial side of the abdomen, is where the liver is situated. The majority of the apparent liver mass is to the right of midline.

Learn more about veterinarian



If you travel to the moon, what would be the effect on your mass and weight?



The mass will stay the same on the moon, whereas the weight would decrease.


which description explains the type of energy conversion that occurs in the mitochondria through cellular respiration?


Utilizing the oxygen already present in the cell, mitochondria transform the chemical energy from food into energy that can be used by the host cell. It takes place inside mitochondria and is known as oxidative phosphorylation.

What about respiration?Respiration, a process of gas exchange, is the major purpose of the lungs.In the process of respiration, carbon dioxide, a waste product of metabolism, exits the blood and oxygen from the incoming air enters.When you breathe in and out, you may have lung pain on one or both sides of your casket.Technically, the soreness isn't exhaling from inside the lungs because they have so many pain receptors.Rather, the stuffing of the lungs, which does include pain receptors, might be the source of the discomfort.You lemon. You have a lung condition.You suffer from liver failure, cancer, diabetes, renal complaint, or cancer.Your vulnerable system has been compromised by specifics, a complaint, or organ transplant.Still, air pollution( both outside and within the home), or dust and gauze at work for an extended length of time, If you breathe in a cigarette bank.Eventually, if your airways become compromised, you might become more breathless.Damage to the lungs might occasionally have no honorable cause.

Learn more about respiration here:



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Which one of the following pairs cannot be mixed together to form a buffer solution?a)C5H5N, C5H5NHClb)HC2H3O2, NaOH (C2H3O2- = acetate)c)KOH, HId)NH2CH3, HCle)NaClO, HNO3 within the field of family therapy, has been the most influential leader in the development of both gender and cultural perspectives and frameworks in family practice. how did the creature satisfy his basic needs in his earliest days? how did he develop? in a regression with 7 predictors and 62 observations, degrees of freedom for a t test for each coefficient would use how many degrees of freedom? gladys was admitted to sunshine nursing facility for rehabilitation following her hip fracture. upon admission, the nursing staff assessed gladys in multiple areas, some of which are cognitive loss, mood, vision function, pain, and the medications she is taking. this information will be recorded in her health record for the:a. Minimum data set to plan her care In 2018, spotify was available in many countries around the world. the same year, spotify offered an attractive deal available only to studentsspotify premium, hulu limited, and showtime, all for one monthly payment of $4.99. the fee is half the amount charged for a standard spotify premium account. to qualify for the deal, students must provide their information, such as name and birthdate, to spotify and its third-party partner, sheerid. sheerid is a verification service utilized by companies to confirm various personal attributes and qualifications. in this case, your current student status at a title ix school is in a database, which is accessed by sheerid.In making this offer to students, Spotify is? a. engaging in perfect price discrimination, charging each individual based on her or his willingness to pay. b. using the hurdle method, getting people to self-identify their willingness to pay by requiring them to overcome one or more obstacles. c. engaging in group pricing, where the market segments are students and nonstudents. a movie production company is releasing a movie with the hopes that many viewers will return to see the movie in the theater for a second time. their target is to have 40 million viewers, and they want more than 40% of the viewers to want to see the movie again. they show the movie to a test audience of 140 people, and after the movie they asked them if they would see the movie in theaters again. of the test audience, 66 people said they would see the movie again. One of the most important and lasting effects of the Great Awakening on life in colonial America is that the movement caused a large increase in