2. Which contains the other, cell membrane or phospholipid?


Answer 1


Cell membrane contains phospholipid


Part of the cell membrane is made up of the phospholipid bilayer, which consists of two layers of phospholipids.

Related Questions

x. There is no digestion of starch in the stomach because:
A the stomach contains hydrochloric acid.
B peristalsis is taking place.
C the stomach does not secrete a starch-digesting enzyme.
D salivary amylase does not work in acid conditions.



C the stomach does not secrete a starch-digesting enzyme.


13. How do babies get their homologous pairs of chromosomes, if an egg and sperm are only haploid (23



When a sperm fertilizes an egg, the resulting fertilized egg, or zygote, has a complete set of homologous pairs of chromosomes, with one set inherited from the mother's egg and one set inherited from the father's sperm. This happens because the egg and sperm each contain only one copy of each chromosome, rather than the full set of two copies that are found in the cells of the body. When the egg and sperm fuse, the resulting zygote has a full complement of chromosomes, with one copy of each chromosome from each parent.


When a sperm and egg join during fertilization, the egg and sperm contribute their haploid set of chromosomes to form a diploid zygote. The haploid sets of chromosomes pair to form homologous pairs, with one chromosome in the team coming from the mother and the other from the father.


According to the modernization model (and the associated perspective known as the
"culture of poverty"), why is the world system unequal?


The modernization model suggests that the world system is unequal because poorer countries are less developed and therefore less able to compete in the global economy. This lack of development is often attributed to a variety of factors, including a lack of access to education, technological resources, and other forms of capital. In addition, the culture of poverty perspective suggests that poverty can create a self-perpetuating cycle in which people become trapped in a lifestyle that is difficult to escape from. This can lead to a situation in which poorer countries are unable to break free from their impoverished state, leading to ongoing inequality in the world system.

The colonists enjoyed many methods to proven. themselves and grew accustomed to their increased freedoms. When the British began to restricted these economic and political freedoms in the 1760s, the colonists began angry, which eventually lad to the American Revolution

Examine Prime Minister Robert waylay actions in the left column of the chart. Move FOUR unintended consequences of his actions into the right column of the chart.
Control of Laws
Developed a separate identify from Britain
Developed self-governance
Less economic reliance on Britain
Signed military treaties with foreign nations
Increased taxes on imported goods from Britain


The four unintended consequences  of Prime Minister Robert waylay actions  include:

Developed a separate identify from BritainLess economic reliance on BritainIncreased taxes on imported goods from BritainDeveloped self-governance

What is self governance?

Self governance is described as the ability of a person or group to exercise all necessary functions of regulation without intervention from an external authority.

Self-governance is important in any democracy as it's purpose it to prevent governments from becoming autocratic and preserves the powers of individuals.

Learn more about self-governance at:  https://brainly.com/question/17613924


a. What type of cross did Mendel perform which lead to his "traits don't blend" discovery?



He crossed pure bred green seeded and pure bred yellow seeded plants.


Recently had this on one of my quizzes :)

Mendel crossed pure bred green seeded and pure bred yellow seeded plants.

What was Mendel's law?

Mendel's first law is the law of segregation in which during gamete formation each member of a gamete pair separates from the other member to form the genetic constitution of the gamete.

The second law of Mendel is the law of independent assortment which describes how alleles of different genes independently segregate from each other during the formation of gametes.

Mendel's third law was the law of inheritance which states that the separation of an allele pair into two daughter cells during the second phase of meiosis does not affect the way in which the other allele pair separates or segregates.

Mendel's laws are important because they allow us to understand how characters are inherited and what determines the phenotypes that are obtained by different individuals. When Mendel crossed pure bred green seeded and pure bred yellow seeded plants, these traits don't blend during his discovery.

Thus, Mendel crossed pure bred green seeded and pure bred yellow seeded plants.

Learn more about Mendel's law, here:



PLEASE HELP! Why is it possible that the oxygen and carbon dioxide on earth will never be used up in regard to photosynthesis and respiration?



This is because the process of photosynthesis and respiration is a cycle, meaning that the oxygen and carbon dioxide are constantly being exchanged and reused. Oxygen is produced from photosynthesis, and carbon dioxide is produced from respiration. This cycle is self-sustaining, so the oxygen and carbon dioxide on Earth will never be completely used up.


In a karyotype, ____________ are photographed, and then the images- paired. From this information, and we can study them to learn about_________________.

a. mutations, molecular structure of a chromosome.
b. traits, eye and hair color of an organisms
c. chromosomes, the number, size and shape of chromosomes in a cell.
d. genes, genes that are present in a particular strand of DNA
e. gametes, medical history of an individual.



C.chromosomes,the number,size and shape of chromosomes in a cell


karyotype is a photographed complete set of chromosomes present in individual cell, where chromosomes are arranged based on their size.

it is done mainly to know about chromosomal disorders present in a individual

To know more about chromosome visit:



Explain each of the following phenomena and how they extend our understanding of genetics from the work done by Gregor Mendel and classical Mendelian inheritance patterns. Provide a real-world example of each:Incomplete DominanceCo-DominancePleiotropyEpistasisPolygenic InheritanceSex LinkageGene linkage


Incomplete- when heterozygous(CwCr) produces 3rd different phenotype(in this case, pink)

Co-Dominance- When heterozygous displays BOTH homozygous conditions.(blood type iAiB displays BOTH A and B carbohydrates)

Multiple alleles- More than 2 alleles for a single gene(blood has i ia ib)

Polygenic inheritance - When more than one gene contributes to expression of a particular trait.

Lipid-soluble signaling molecules, such as aldosterone, cross the membranes of all cells but affect only target cells because
A. only target cells have enzymes that break down aldosterone.
B. only in target cells is testosterone able to initiate the phosphorylation cascade leading to activated transcription factor.
C. intracellular receptors are present only in target cells.
D. only target cells retain the appropriate DNA segments.
E. only in target cells is aldosterone able to initiate the phosphorylation cascade that turns genes on.


The reason behind aldosterone affect only target cells because C)intracellular receptors are present only in target cells. So, correct option is C.

Aldosterone is the principal mineralocorticoid steroid chemical delivered by the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal cortex in the adrenal gland. It is fundamental for sodium preservation in the kidney, salivary organs, sweat organs, and colon. It assumes a focal part in the homeostatic guideline of circulatory strain, plasma sodium (Na+), and potassium (K+) levels. It does so principally by following up on the mineralocorticoid receptors in the distal tubules and gathering pipes of the nephron.

It impacts the reabsorption of sodium and discharge of potassium (from and into the rounded liquids, separately) of the kidney, in this manner in a roundabout way impacting water maintenance or misfortune, circulatory strain, and blood volume. When dysregulated, aldosterone is pathogenic and adds to the turn of events and movement of cardiovascular and kidney disease. Aldosterone has the very inverse capability of the atrial natriuretic chemical emitted by the heart.

Hence, correct option is C.

To know more about aldosterone, visit here:



After having seen many pictures of the Lincoln Monument during his lifetime, Mr. Adams
mistakenly recalled that he had actually visited the site. This best illustratesanswer choices:
source amnesia.
proactive interference.
the self-reference effect.
flashbulb memory.


After having seen many pictures of the Lincoln Monument during his lifetime, Mr. Adams mistakenly recalled that he had actually visited the site. This best illustrates source amnesia.

The incapability to recollect where, when, or how one acquired and retained knowledge is referred to as source amnesia.

Except in the case of amnesiacs, studies indicate that source amnesia appears to result from poor memory decoding process of a specific context rather than poor collection of a context-specific memory. This is because information and circumstances must be encoded together in order for the two to be incorporated into memory. Source amnesia is often connected to frontal lobe pathology.

For more information on source amnesia, visit :



Consider how you might add mutations, alleles, and population to the concept map. Each statement contains one term already
present in the concept map (italicized) and one new term (bold). The intervening words represent the connecting phrase in the
concept map.
Select all of the accurate statements.


Reproductive obstacles stop two populations from crossing across and creating new species. The idea map might also include alleles, population, and mutations.

What kind of a mutation would that be?

Hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, and sickle cell disease are among the illnesses caused by hereditary abnormalities. Over the course of a human lifespan, further mutations could spontaneously arise at any point. They may also go by the names sporadic abnormalities, novel mutants, or spontaneous mutations. Only a few cells are affected.

How dangerous are mutations?

Modifications to your DNA's sequence are known as genetic mutations, which happen when your cells divide and make copies of themselves. Your body learns how to grow and function from your DNA. In the long run, genetic alterations might make it possible for people to adapt to their environment more effectively or cause diseases such as cancer.

To know more about mutation visit:



Superantigen type toxins lead to the release of excessive amounts of ___ stimulating a hyperactive immune response that can lead to shock and death in the affected individual


Superantigen type toxins lead to the release of excessive amounts of cytokines stimulating a hyperactive immune response that can lead to shock and death in the affected individual.

Cytokine release syndrome (CRS), also known as cytokine storm or cytokine-associated toxicity, is a condition that occurs when your immune system overreacts to infection. It can also occur following particular types of immunotherapy, example CAR T-Cell Therapy.

Cytokines are classified into several types, which include chemokines, interferons, interleukins, lymphokines, and tumor necrosis factor. Cytokines can act alone, in groups, or against one another, but their primary function would be to help manage the immune response.

Cytokine storm occurs when the body's immune system produces an excessive amount of inflammatory signals. This can result in severe symptoms, including organ dysfunction and death in some instances. Cytokine storm symptoms tend to involve confusion, breathlessness, lethargy, and others.

For more information Cytokines , visit :



What are two things which the Sun sends out into the Solar System which have negative effects and what are those effects ? How does solar activity change over time?



The Sun sends out two types of particles that can have negative effects in the Solar System: solar wind and solar flares. Solar wind is a stream of charged particles that is constantly emitted from the Sun's atmosphere. These particles can affect the orbits of planets and other objects in the Solar System, and can also interfere with satellite and radio communications on Earth. Solar flares are intense bursts of radiation that are emitted from the Sun's surface. They can cause disruptions to satellite and radio communications, and can also pose a danger to astronauts and other people in space.

Solar activity, including the emission of solar wind and solar flares, varies over time. The Sun follows an approximately 11-year cycle of activity, during which the number of sunspots and other indicators of solar activity rise and fall. At the peak of the cycle, the Sun is more active and is more likely to produce solar flares and other forms of solar activity. At the low point of the cycle, solar activity is lower and the Sun is less likely to produce these effects.

Te enzyme trypsin aids in protein digestion in the small intestine. Te relative
activity of trypsin at diferent pH values is shown in Figure 1.
Which of the following statements best explains the activity levels of trypsin shown
in Figure 1?
(A) The small intestine releases inhibitor molecules that block the activity of
trypsin unless it is at its optimum pH.
(B) The number of efective collisions between trypsin and its substrate increase
at higher pH values.
(C) As pH values increase, the substrate concentration decreases, leading to an
eventual decline in the rate of the trypsin-catalyzed reaction.
(D) At extremely low pH values, trypsin is denatured and cannot function


The statement that best explains the activity levels of trypsin in Figure 1 is (D) At extremely low pH values, trypsin is denatured and cannot function


Figure 1 shows the activity levels of trypsin, a protease enzyme of small intestine, as a function of pH.

The data indicates that trypsin is most active in moderate pH ranges, between 6 and 8, where it exhibits its highest activity levels. However, as the pH values become more acidic or basic, the activity of trypsin decreases significantly.

At extremely low pH values, trypsin is denatured and cannot function efficiently. This is evidenced by the sharp drop in activity at pH levels below 4.

Therefore, the statement that best explains the activity levels of trypsin in Figure 1 is (D).

To learn more about trypsin, click here:



Explain the three stages of cellular respiration 


There are three main steps of cellular respiration: glycolysis; the citric acid (TCA) or the Krebs cycle; and the electron transport chain, where oxidative phosphorylation occurs. The TCA cycle and oxidative phosphorylation require oxygen, while glycolysis can occur in anaerobic conditions.

Hope this helps :)!

The types of bonds formed between monomers of macromolecules contribute to the function of that particular macromolecule. which of the following statements best pairs the type of bonding with the contribution to function of the macromolecule described?


Long chains of amino acids connected by amide bonds form the building blocks of peptides and proteins, which are macromolecules. A peptide's or protein's primary amino acid sequence within its structure determines both its identification and its purpose.

What are macromolecules' primary uses?

Macromolecules are enormous molecules that fill a cell and give it vital life-sustaining functions. For instance, macromolecules offer structural support, a way to store energy, and the capacity to store and access genetic data.

What do food macromolecules do?

Large molecules known as macromolecules are produced when monomers, or tiny units, are polymerized. The majority of macromolecules are found in commonplace items like food. Biological macromolecules come in a variety of forms, including carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids.

To know more about Macromolecules visit:



. Look up current ocean pH values. How do the current values compare to those from previous years? ((my answer: 8.1 pH today and 8.2 pH previously (slightly basic with a 0.1 pH drop). This represents a 25% increase in acidity over the last 2 centuries.)). Next, consider what you have just learned about algae and how the chemistry of the indicator used in the experiments you just performed works. Hypothesize why oceans are at their current pH. How is the pH of the ocean changing and why? How might this affect the organisms that live in the ocean?


Might this affect the organisms that live in the ocean in lost of biodiversity.

What happens when the pH changes?

There are some living things that are so sensible of changing of temperature or pH, in this way some plants, animals or protozoa can die, in this way the food chain that they belong would be different, affecting another living things.In this case or at the end it can be the result of lost of biodiversity.

This represents a 25% increase in acidity over the last 2 centuries.)). Next, consider what you have just learned about algae and how the chemistry of the indicator used in the experiments you just performed works.

Therefore,  Might this affect the organisms that live in the ocean in lost of biodiversity.

Learn more about biodiversity on:



A researcher is investigating the effects of a chemical that makes thylakoid membranes permeable to hydrogen ions ( + H ). Which of the following is the most likely direct effect of adding the chemical to plant cells?
- The plant cells will produce less NADPH.
- The chloroplasts will generate less ATP.
- Chlorophyll will require less light energy to excite its electrons.
- The plant cells will split fewer water molecules into hydrogen ions and oxygen.


A researcher is investigating the effects of a chemical that makes thylakoid membranes permeable to hydrogen ions then the chloroplasts will generate less ATP, which is present in the second option.

What is the function of the hydrogen ions in the chloroplast?

The hydrogen ion gradient is formed when an electron passes from one complex to another, resulting in a higher concentration of hydrogen ions inside the thylakoid, which forms ATP when it passes through the ATP synthase and if the membrane becomes permeable, the gradient is not formed, resulting in less ATP.

Hence, a researcher is investigating the effects of a chemical that makes thylakoid membranes permeable to hydrogen ions then the chloroplasts will generate less ATP, which is present in the second option.

Learn more about the hydrogen ions in the chloroplast here.



Which of the following is a description of a resource that belongs to a country
with a high carrying capacity?
A. Food is brought in from other places.
B. Homes are small and house many people.
O C. Food is not always available.
D. Water comes directly from bodies of water. I


The answer is A : food is brought in from other places !!
Option A is the answer good luck

Frank has Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY) His mother has normal skin, but his father has anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia; X-linked condition where the skin does not contain sweat glands. Frank has patches of normal skin and patches of skin without sweat glands_ Complete the sentences_ Some answers may be used more than once Or not at all:


Frank received the mutant chromosome from his father. Nondisjunction occurred in his father during the father meiotic division.

Hyperhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia is indeed a genetic disorder caused by mutations in one or more genes. EDA, EDAR, EDARADD, as well as WNT10A are examples. The most major reason of the disorder is EDA gene mutations, which make up more than half of any and all cases.

Nondisjunction would have happened during meiosis I. Because at that point, the chromosomes (rather than chromatids) separate. Both XY chromatids would've have gone into the a single cell during separation. So, during meiosis II, when XY chromosome sperm fuses with X chromosome egg, the daughter cell will have a XXY genotype, which really is klinefelter syndrome. Some notable examples include: Down syndrome is caused by a trisomy of autosomes, specifically chromosome 21. It has an extra chromosome 21.

To know more about the Chromosome, here



7. Calculate the calories of the following foods
a. 200 g of cheese, whose composition is: 28% protein, 36% lipids and 0.3% carbohydrates

b. 300 g of meat that have 23.5% protein and 20.4% lipids


A. calories from  28% protein 36% lipids and 0.3% carbohydrates from 200g cheese are : 224 kcal, 648 kcal and 2.4 kcal respectively while, the total calorie is 874.4 kcal.

B. calories from 23.5% protein and 20.4% lipids in 300 g of meat are: 282 kcal and 550.8 kcal respectively while, the total calorie is 832.8 kcal.

What is calorie?Calories are a measure of energy. Two primary definitions of "calorie" are frequently used due to historical factors. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius is known as a big calorie, food calorie, or kilogram calorie.How is calorie calculated? By burning the meal, calories are not calculated in this approach directly. Instead, the sum of the calories delivered by the energy-containing nutrients—protein, carbohydrate, fat, and alcohol—is used to determine the total caloric value.

For more information on calorie kindly visit on



Controlled variable - the variable that is kept the same during a scientific experiment.
We want to investigate the correlation between the light intensity and the rate of photosynthesis.
We can adjust the amount of light intensity by moving the lamp near or far from the aquatic plant.
We can also measure the amount of gas produced by photosynthesis in one minute.
(1) What is the independent variable in this experiment?
(2) What is the dependent variable in this experiment?
(3) What are the controlled variables in this experiment?
(4) What will be observed if the photosynthesis is happening more slowly?
I (5) What can you conclude from this experiment?


1. Independent variable = light intensity

2. Dependent variable = rate of photosynthesis

3. Controlled variables a= other variables - independent and dependent

4. Low amount of gas will be produced

5. Light intensity has a correlation with the rate of photosynthesis

Experimental variables in photosynthesis

During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and water combine to form carbohydrates in the presence of solar radiation. The process in specific to green plants only and oxygen is evolved as a by-product. The higher the amount of oxygen produced, the higher the rate of photosynthesis.

Independent variables in experiments are the variables supplied directly by the experimenter which can be manipulated to see if it produces any effect or outcome.

The dependent variables are variables that measure the effect of the independent variable.

The remaining variables apart from dependent and independent variables are controlled variables.

From the experiment investigating the effects of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis, all other things being constant, the more the light intensity, the more the rate of photosynthesis.

More on photosynthesis can be found here: https://brainly.com/question/1388366


indirect evidence that dna could be diverse enough to be the genetic material came from studies of different organisms. which of the following was discovered?


DNA considered as the genetic material helps in the discovery of a)protein. So, correct option is a.

DNA is a natural macromolecule that is made out of two polynucleotide chains that curl around one another to frame a twofold helical design, which conveys the genetic guidelines for the turn of events, working, development and proliferation of all living beings and numerous infections.

Properties of Genetic Material

It ought to be fit for putting away hereditary data.It ought to be fit for reproducing with high proficiency in progressive ages.It ought to shape the reason for the transmission of inherited characters that it controls.It ought to be engaged with quality activity, which brings about a definitive articulation of the attributes inside the organic entity.It ought to have the option to go through a transformation that makes variety among life forms.It should show an extremely wide variety in structure.

Hence correct option is a

To know more about DNA, visit here:



(Complete question) is:

indirect evidence that dna could be diverse enough to be the genetic material came from studies of different organisms. which of the following was discovered?





the nernst equation is used to determine the value of ecell for an electrochemical reaction under conditions; the difference between ecell and eocell is a function of . multiple choice question.


The Nernst equation is used to determine the value of ecell for an electrochemical reaction under non-standard conditions; The difference between ecell and eocell is a function of cell potential of standard and non-standard state.

The Nernst equation is an equation that compares an atom's or ion's capacity to accept one or more electrons (reduction potential) under any conditions to that measured under standard test conditions (standard reduction potentials) of 298K and one molar or atmospheric pressure.

The Nernst equation is used to determine the voltage of an electrochemical cell or the concentration of one of the cell's components.

Eocell is the standard state cell potential, which means that the condition is met for solutes or 1 bar for gases. Ecell is the cell potential in a non-standard state. To calculate Ecell using Eocell, use the Nernst equation.

For more information on The Nernst equation, visit :



mitochondria help create energy for the cell. which of the following is not an output of cellular respiration?


Pyruvate is not an output of cellular respiration. So, the correct option is (A).

What is Cellular respiration?

Cellular respiration is defined as the process by which organic fuels are oxidized in the presence of an inorganic electron acceptor such as oxygen to produce large amounts of energy to drive the bulk production of ATP.

Cellular respiration which occurs in the cytoplasm and mitochondria of each cell of the body while glycolysis occurs inside the cytoplasm while the TCA cycle occurs inside the matrix of the mitochondria.

The products of cellular respiration are carbon dioxide and water and the chemical energy which is released in the form of ATP.

Thus, Pyruvate is not an output of cellular respiration. So, the correct option is (A).

Learn more about Cellular respiration, here:



Your question is incomplete, most probably the complete question is

Mitochondria help create energy for the cell. which of the following is not an output of cellular respiration?

A. Pyruvate

B. Water

C. Glycogen

D. Glucose

The diagram summarizes the steps of photosynthesis inside chloroplasts. IF a chloroplast does not have enough hydrogen ions, which event will happen first?
• A. A decrease in the production of sugar
• B. An increase in the amount of chlorophyll
• C. An increase in the rate of the Calvin cycle
D. A decrease in the rate of the light reactions


If a chloroplast does not have enough hydrogen ions, there will be a decrease in the production of sugar that is present in Option A because glucose production needs lots of ATP.

What is the importance of the hydrogen ions?

The hydrogen ion gradient is generated when the electrons move in the light reaction through the different complexes, and then these ions move from the inside of the matrix to the outside and generate ATP with the help of ATP synthase. If hydrogen ions are absent, then ATP can't be formed and glucose synthesis is hampered.

Hence, if a chloroplast does not have enough hydrogen ions, there will be a decrease in the production of sugar that is present in Option A because glucose production needs lots of ATP.

Learn more about hydrogen ions by clicking here.




Explanation:I just had that question

reversal of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase-mediated cancer immune suppression by systemic kynurenine depletion with a therapeutic enzyme


Increased tryptophan (Trp) catabolism in the tumour microenvironment (TME) can mediate immune suppression through upregulation of the interferon (IFN)—inducible indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO1) and/or ectopic expression of a predominantly liver-restricted enzyme tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (Trp 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO).

It is unclear whether these effects are caused by Trp depletion in the TME or are mediated by the accumulation of a IDO1 and/or TDO (hereby referred to it as IDO1/TDO) product kynurenine (Kyn)5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13. We show that giving a pharmacologically optimised enzyme (PEGylated kynureninase; abbreviated as PEG-KYNase) which it degrades Kyn in to the immunologically inert, nontoxic, and easily cleared metabolites inhibits tumour growth. The use of enzymes was linked to an increase in tumour infiltration as well as proliferation of polyfunctional CD8+ lymphocytes.

When combined with approved checkpoint inhibitors or a cancer vaccine, PEG-KYNase administration had significant therapeutic effects in the treatment of large B16-F10 melanoma, 4T1 breast carcinoma, or CT26 colon carcinoma tumours. PEG-KYNase prolonged Kyn depletion in the TME and reversed this same modulatory effect.

To know more about the Cancer immune suppression, here



If the normal spermatogenesis is disrupted, the gametes can have different chromosomes than expected. Which of the following is the most likely cause of one of the four gametes having two XX chromosomes and one having neither an XX nor a YY chromosome?


There are 12 chromosomes in each daughter cell, each made up of two chromatids. Every chromosome is one of two homologous pairs.chromosomes from the parent cell.

What is 46 or 23, respectively, chromosomes?

There are typically 23 chromosome pairs in each cell of the human body (46 total chromosomes). The father contributed the other half, while the mother contributed the first half. Your sex at birth—whether you are a boy or a girl—is determined by two chromosomes, the X and the Y.

Who are the 23 chromosomes, and what are their names?

Since each human cell contains 23 chromosomes of these chromosomes, there are 46 diploid human cells and 23 haploid human cells. There are 23 pairings in total, 22 of which are considered autosomes. The 23rd pair of chromosomes, also known as the 'X' & 'Y' chromosomes, controls sexual orientation.

To know more about chromosomes visit:



Mark all examples of evolutionary adaptation:
Group of answer choices
O the cryptic appearance of the moth Abrostola trigemina, which looks like a broken twig.
O the long, broad wings of the red-tailed hawk that allow it to sustain a gliding flight over open country while it searches for prey with its keen eyes.
O the rounded body shape of the sargassum crab which resembles the floats of the brown alga Sargassum in which it lives.
O the appearance of the leafy sea dragon (a sea horse) which looks so much like the kelp (seaweed) in which it lives that it lures prey into the seeming safety of the kelp forest and then eats them.


There are many examples of evolutionary adaptation that can be seen in nature. These adaptations help organisms to survive in their environment by camouflaging themselves from predators, gaining advantages in the search for prey, and blending in with the background.

Evolutionary adaptation is the process by which organisms become adapted to their environment. Examples of evolutionary adaptations can be seen in many organisms, from moths to hawks and from crabs to sea horses.

One example is the cryptic appearance of the moth Abrostola trigemina, which looks like a broken twig. This helps the moth to hide from predators, as its camouflage will make it difficult to be detected.

Another example is the long, broad wings of the red-tailed hawk. These wings allow the hawk to maintain gliding flight over open country so that it can search for prey with its keen eyes.

A third example is the rounded body shape of the sargassum crab, which resembles the floats of the brown alga Sargassum in which it lives. This body shape helps the crab to blend in with its environment and stay hidden from predators.

The final example is the appearance of the leafy sea dragon, which looks so much like the kelp (seaweed) in which it lives that it lures prey into the seeming safety of the kelp forest and then eats them. This is an excellent example of a type of camouflage called 'mimicry', where an organism takes on the appearance of something else in its environment in order to deceive predators.

Learn more about evolutionary adaptation at : https://brainly.com/question/28876354


Which of the following is the name of the temporary connecting blood vessel between the pulmonary artery and the aorta in the fetal heart?


During fetal development, the ductus arteriosus serves as a shunt between the pulmonary artery and the aorta.

Happy Holidays!!!

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Which quotations provide evidence to support the claim that news outlets compete with online content? Select four options. Radio programs, in light of the continuing challenge to find advertising sponsorship, are beginning to shift online.The credibility of this information is difficult to verify.Newspapers have made the greatest inroads . . . offering at least some form of digital content.The utility of social media in accessing information became clear during the Arab uprisings.Twitt er, Fac ebook and other new media offer ways for . . . news media to reach audiences. It is a custom that there __________ ever since. Raymond kept track of the number of hours that he spent practicing the piano each week for several weeks. He spent 2, 4, 8, 6, and 5 hours. What is the range of the data set? B. 5 hours O A. 2 hours O O O D. 6 hours C. 8 hours Select the correct answer.The figure PQRSTU represents the shape of the parking lot at a shopping mall. What is the area of the parking lot?A. 834 square feetB. 918 square feetC. 984 square feetD. 1,068 square feet Reset Brainliest for correct answer PLEASE HELP ME ASAPPPPPPPP!!!!!! Solve for c.9 = 1+c What is the 20th term of the arithmetic sequence3, 9, 15, 21, 27, ...? IN PASSIVE VOICE PLEASE HELLP!!!!!!!1)They don't send emails.2)Does she cut the grase.3)My friend prefers chocolate.4)He often steals cars. 5)My brothers play loud music.6)My mother speaks English.7)My uncle loves the London parks.8)the company wants staff9)Journalists write articles 10) Peter loves Julie11)My sister doesnt read a lot of books 12)My mother doesnt cook dinner every day13)Milkman delivers in the mornings14)They dont buy flovers for the flat15)My neighbours dont wash the car every week16)The pliceman writes a report every friday17)They dont fix the roads in our country18)Our friends dont build new houses every year19)The famer sells vegetables in the market In the current year, a company paid interest of $40,000, had net capital expenditures of $300,000, and issued net new debt of $75,000. In addition, the company reported cash flow from operating activities of $600,000, cash flow from investing activities of ($250,000), and cash flow from financing activities of $65,000. The marginal tax rate is 35%. Compute the free cash flow to the firm. In the current year, a company paid interest of $40,000, had net capital expenditures of $300,000, and issued net new debt of $75,000. In addition, the company reported cash flow from operating activities of $600,000, cash flow from investing activities of ($250,000), and cash flow from financing activities of $65,000. The marginal tax rate is 35%. Compute the free cash flow to the firm. A train whistle produces a sound at a frequency of 600 Hz. If the train is moving toward a stationary observer at a constant speed, which of the following may be the frequency of the whistle as detected by the observer? WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST FOR BOTH CORRECT ANSWERSWhat were Jim Crow Laws?What led to the Supreme Court Case Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)? Question 2 of 6 Which two pieces of data could indicate that a volcano is about to erupt? A. A decrease in the ocean level near a mountain range B. An increase in temperature near Earth's surface C. A change in the types of gas detected in the air D. A drop in average air temperature in one region Can someone help me here help please! i put extra points :( Was rays birthday lit Find the area of the sector. How do you know if something is being pushed or pulled by a force?A)It's speeding up.B)It's slowing down.C)It's changing direction.You drop a bowling ball and a baseball from the roof to the ground. Which one will hit the ground first? The difference of the two numbers is 3 their sum is 13 find the numbers please help What information concerning disulfiram should you communicate to the patient