Select the terms that are associated with Alexander Hamilton (SELECT
ONLY 4, You will
I points
not earn any points if you select more than 4.)
Favored a national bank
Favored an industrial economy
Favored involvement in French Revolution
Favored strong central authority
Friendlier to Britain
Led the Democratic-Republicans
Served as Secretary of State and as Vice President, too.
Strict reading of the Constitution


Answer 1

Alexander Hamilton was one of the founding fathers of the United States. He participated in the American Revolutionary War, contributed to the creation of the Constitution, and was the first secretary of the Treasury. The American financial system was founded and designed by him.

Why did the United States launch the Revolutionary War?

The main factor that led to the American Revolution was colonial opposition to British attempts to exert more control over the colonies and force them to repay the crown for its protection during the French and Indian War (1754–1763).

Which three factors contributed to the American Revolution?

The four main factors that led to the American Revolution were the Taxation Acts, the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party, and the Intolerable Acts.

To learn more about American Revolutionary War here



Related Questions

According to the energy conservation theory of sleep, sleep is an adaptive behavior because sleep __________.


According to the energy conservation proposition of sleep, sleep is an adaptive geste

because sleep Allows organisms to consume smaller coffers.

To know more about conservation theory of sleep visit https://brainly.com/question/2274133

According to the energy conservation theory of sleep, sleep is an adaptive behavior because sleep allows organisms to consume fewer resources.

According to the energy conservation theory, the major purpose of sleep is to lower a person's energy requirements during the hours of the day and night when hunting for food is least effective. The body's natural tendency to lower its metabolism by as much as 10% during sleeping lends credence to this hypothesis.

Its basic thesis—that restoration can only take place during rest periods—has significant ramifications for biological and medical systems. Often referred to as the Father of Sleep Medicine, Dr. William C. Dement (1927) originally published Oswald's Restoration Theory in the 1920s.

To know more about conservation theory of sleep visit



What is the main argument of difference feminism?


Difference feminism, also known as Black feminism is a perspective that sees how women are oppressed by the patriarchy but also by both capitalism and racism. They argue that minority-ethnic, working-class women are the most discriminated against people in society.

What are the 2 aims of Baroque art?


This style, sometimes known as baroque, tries to create ethereality and wonder through an extravagant aesthetic. The Baroque era is still regarded as one of the most significant cultural eras in the development of Western art.

What was the Baroque era?

Early in the 17th century, in Italy, a highly dramatic and ornamental architectural style known as baroque emerged. It later expanded throughout Europe. The Late Baroque era (1675–1750) saw its influence extend as far as Russia and the Spanish and Portuguese possessions in Latin America. In Central Europe, a style known as Rococo that was considerably more ornately decorated than the previous one emerged around 1730. The basic components of Renaissance architecture, such as domes and colonnades, were taken by baroque architects and enhanced with higher, grander, more ornate, and dramatic designs. The interior effects were frequently created using quadratura, or trompe-l'oeil painting coupled with sculpture; the eye is attracted upward, giving the impression that one is staring into the skies. The ceiling is covered in swarms of painted and sculptured figures.

To learn more about Baroque era, visit:



Duty to Have Fall Protection
Fall protection is generally required when one or more employees have exposure to falls of six feet or greater to the lower level.

Surfaces must be inspected before the work begins.

Employees are only permitted to be on surfaces that are strong enough to support them.


When walking or working on surfaces with unprotected edges or sides that are six feet or more above a lower level, employers are required to implement fall protection equipment to safeguard their employees.

Guardrails, safety nets, and individual fall arrest systems are all examples of fall protection. Fall protection is required by OSHA in general industrial workplaces at altitudes of four feet, in shipyards at elevations of five feet, in the construction sector at elevations of six feet, and eight feet during longshoring activities. When one or more employees are at risk of falls of six feet or more to a lower level, fall protection is typically necessary. Before work begins, surfaces must be assessed.. Employees are only permitted to be on surfaces that are strong enough to support .In general, employees systems, safety net systems, or personal fall arrest devices can be used to provide fall protection. OSHA refers to these tools as traditional fall protection. Safety gear that is used to make working at heights safer includes fall protection. Typically, the phrase relates to The phrase, when used specifically, refers to all steps and tools taken to avoid falls.

Learn more about Fall protection here:



how did the Erie canal help the united states economy?


Launched the Consumer Economy
Farmers were able to buy (with cash) furniture, shipped at the canal so to say it was made from (their) home. "That was the first consumer economy" -kelly

when exercising enforcement power, inspectors must ensure that: due process is practiced. a law enforcement officer be present at all times. the inspector not get caught. the rights of the fire department are protected.


Always have a law enforcement official on hand. The 1974 Fire Protection and Prevention Act safeguards the rights of the fire department.

What is the fire department's primary duty?

Putting out local fires, defending people and property from local fires, saving lives and protecting in the instance of a car accident, and saving lives and protecting property as in event of other crises.

What is the fire department's most significant service?

The most crucial duty of the fire department is rescue. Firefighters are taught that life safety comes first from day one of recruit training. In rescue scenarios, firemen pledge the people in their towns that they will put their lives in danger.

To know more about fire department visit:



you are working on a group project with three other students, who appear to already be friends. you have some suggestions you would like to make, but decide to just follow the other members' ideas, because you do not believe your ideas would be accepted. this illustrates which type of barrier to problem solving?


This exemplifies an emotional obstacle to issue resolution, so the adage goes.

When does someone become a friend?

Once you and the individual have a lot of the same interests as well as comparable values, you become friends. Additionally, you genuinely get along really well. The "pull factors" that cause both both to draw toward one another and maintain the connection are your common beliefs and interests.

What is a best friend, in plain English?

A friend is someone you appreciate beyond all the other pals in your life, person you like spending time with, somebody you can confide in, and so on.

To know more about Friends visit:



The complete question is-

You are working on a group project with three other students, who appear to already be friends. You have some suggestions you would like to make, but decide to just follow the other members’ ideas, because you do not believe your ideas would be accepted. This illustrates which type of barrier to problem solving?

a. emotional

b. cultural

c. learned

d. perceptual

Armena must read and summarize a physics research article for a class assignment. The article discusses the standard error of measurement, which she is not familiar with. Which is the best resource for armena to consult?.


Armena must read and summarize a physics research article for a class assignment. The article discusses the standard error of measurement, which she is not familiar with.

The most reliable, pertinent, and accurate source of information on "the standard error of measurement" is a college textbook, which Armena should use as her primary source. Finding a source on a subject you are unclear about should satisfy the following requirements: it should be currently published, pertinent to the subject, provide accurate information from a reliable source, be reputable, contain supporting information in the form of diagrams, graphs, charts, or illustrations, and take the audience they are addressing into account.

To know more about error here



What do you call the process of drawing inferences or conclusions through the use of reason?


Deductive reasoning is the process of drawing inferences or conclusions through the use of reason.

In deductive reasoning, the conclusion is established on the conformity of several premises that are normally taken to be genuine. It's also known as top-down logic when applied to deductive reasoning. The cornerstone of deductive reasoning is the creation of logical premises and the development of a conclusion from those premises. It does not depend on drawing conclusions and then presuming that those conclusions are correct. Deductive reasoning is a crucial general talent for people of all types since it enables one to draw conclusions from at least two pieces of information that one may be reasonably confident in.

Learn more about deductive reasoning here:



toni presents with depressive symptoms that have not remitted for the last two years. their symptoms are mildly disabling, and they are still able to handle a few aspects of their life. their likely diagnosis is:


Their likely diagnosis is persistent depressive disorder with dysthymic syndrome.

What means dysthymic disorder?A less severe but persistent form of depression is called dysthymia. Persistent depressive disorder is another name for it. Major depressive episodes are occasionally experienced by those who have this illness. A mood illness called depression affects your body, emotions, and thinking.The causes of dysthymia, like those of major depression, include genetic predisposition, neurochemical imbalances, childhood and adult stress and trauma, as well as social factors, including isolation and the lack of access to aid.Dysthymia is a serious condition, yet it can also easily managed. As with any chronic condition, early detection and medical intervention may lessen the severity and length of symptoms as well as the chance of experiencing a major depressive episode.

To learn more about dysthymic syndrome  refer,



Which of the following is not an example of directory information that can be disclosed without consent?


The following is not an example of directory information that can be disclosed without consent: student's grade.

Directory information is information contained in a student's education record that may be disclosed to third parties without the student's prior written consent. Students' names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, dates and places of birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance are all listed in the directory. It also contains a slew of other school-related information. Schools must, however, inform parents and eligible students about directory information and give them a reasonable amount of time to request that the school not disclose directory information concerning them. Students or parents must request in writing that their directory information not be disclosed with third parties.

Learn more about student's information privacy https://brainly.com/question/28243713


confucian teachings eventually resulted in a chinese political ideology suggesting that kingship was an honor bestowed by heaven upon a particular chinese family, and that the family retained power so long as it ruled well and virtuously. in comparison, what was the brahmanic political ideology about leadership in south asia?


In South Asia, the brahmanic political ideology held that kingship and leadership were based on a person's social class, or varna, and their adherence to the principles of dharma, or righteousness.

What is Brahmanic ideology?

According to the brahmanic ideology, rulers were believed to have a sacred duty to protect and uphold dharma, and to rule justly and virtuously in accordance with the laws and principles outlined in the Vedas and other sacred texts. Rulers who failed to live up to these standards were believed to be unworthy of their position and could be removed from power.

What is the contrast with Confucian ideology?

In contrast to the Confucian ideology, which held that kingship was an honor bestowed by heaven upon a particular family, the brahmanic ideology did not place as much emphasis on heredity as a factor in leadership. Instead, it focused on the individual's personal qualities and their ability to uphold dharma as the primary determinants of their suitability for leadership.

To know more about Brahmanic ideology visit:



The un agency broadly responsible for refugees is?


The UN agency which is broadly responsible for the refugees is called as the UNHCR.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the UN agency is for the refugees, is an international organisation working to saving lives, safeguarding the rights and also simultaneously providing a better future for the refugees, also by forcibly displaced communities and also the stateless people.

However, the UNHCR emerged in the wake of the World War II in order to help Europeans displaced by that conflict. The UNHCR was established on December 14, 1950 by UN General Assembly.

Hence, the UNHCR protects the refugees worldwide.

To leran more about the UNHCR here:



What is the main idea of slavery?


The act of possessing someone; also referred to as slavery. Since a slave was viewed by the law as property, or property, they were denied the majority of rights that free people generally enjoy.

What essential concept drives To Slavery to Freedom?

African Americans' struggle for freedom in America from enslavement in the 18th and 19th century through the civil rights movements in the 20th and 21st century is examined in the book From Slavery to Freedom.

What was the primary justification for slavery in those days?

Slaves in West Africa rose in value as demand for inexpensive labor to work in plantations there in Americas increased among European traders.

To know more about slavery visit :



What the rights needed by each individual to pursue their lives and goals without interference from other individuals or the government?


The freedom to live one's life and pursue their goals without hindrance from the government or other people is known as an individual's right. Individual rights commonly take the form of the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

What are an individual's rights in the community?

The freedoms of speech, religion, the right to keep and bear arms, the right to assemble, and the right to petition are all protected by the Bill of Rights. Additionally, it forbids compelled self-incrimination, harsh and unusual punishment, and arbitrary search and seizure.

Freedom of expression, freedom of religion, the right to privacy, and the right to possess property are a few examples of individual rights. Individual liberties are frequently linked to democracy, a form of governance in which the people hold the reins of power.

To know more about individual's right visit:



News Debate: Snowed Out!




what are students at mississinawa valley school saying “so long” to

Why is Article 1 Section 3 important?


The Senate is established in Article I, section three. The Constitution stipulated that senators would be chosen in two-year increments every six years, which is still the custom today.

Give a brief account on Senate.

Election Day is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in even-numbered years, when the Senate and House of Representatives elections are held simultaneously. All of the people in a state elect senators. The United States Constitution gives each state the authority to enact laws governing how senators are elected. State-to-state variations exist in the laws governing independent and minor party candidates' access to the ballot. The Republican and Democratic parties hold primary elections first in 45 states, and then a few months later, the general election. Most of these states allow the nominee to win with just a plurality, while others require a runoff if a majority cannot be won. The candidate who wins a majority of the popular vote is declared the winner of the general election.

To know more about, Senate, visit :



What is demand-pull caused by?


Inflation is a result of an increasing economy's overall demand for goods and services or demand-pull. This may occur when consumers have more disposable income and are more willing to purchase goods and services, or when a business or government spending rises.

When there is a spike in the demand for goods and services, producers may raise their prices to stabilize the market and meet the increased demand. Therefore, when the general level of prices in the economy grows, inflation may happen.

Demand-pull inflation may be exacerbated by additional factors like a low unemployment rate or an increase in the money supply. Demand-pull inflation is often caused by an increase in the overall quantity of goods and services requested in the economy, which may lead to an increase in prices.

To learn more about demand-pull inflation



Recruiting into research ...
Is entirely at the investigator's discretion.
Always requires a written authorization for ANY contact with the patient.
Never requires a written authorization.
Can qualify as an activity "preparatory to research," at least for the initial contact, but data should not leave the covered entity.


Recruiting into research can qualify as an activity "preparatory to research," at least for the initial contact, but data should not leave the covered entity. Hence, option (c) will be regarded as the relevant option choice.

What is a research ?

"Creative and methodical activity undertaken to improve the reservoir of knowledge" is how research is defined. It entails gathering, organizing, and analyzing data in order to better understand a subject, and is distinguished by a specific focus on identifying and eliminating sources of bias and inaccuracy. Accounting and bias control are features of these operations. The results of earlier fieldwork may be developed into a research project. To verify the accuracy of tools, procedures, or experiments, research may replicate complete projects or portions of past studies.

As opposed to applied research, fundamental research's main goals are the progress of human knowledge through documentation, discovery, interpretation, and research and development (R&D) of methods and systems. Epistemologies, which differ greatly both within and between the humanities and sciences, are what guide research methods. There are many different types of research, including those in the humanities, arts, economy, social issues, business, marketing, practitioner research, life, and technology. Meta-research is the term for the academic study of research methodologies.

To know more about, research, visit :



Are symbols noted on the title sheet?


The title or introduction sheet must include a note about the symbols. Keynotes never take the place of symbols.

Why is it vital to understand the floor plan symbols?

A floor plan offers a distinct and in-depth perspective of a structure or piece of land to give the prospective buyer and the construction team an idea of the construction and design specifics. Each building component in a floor plan is represented by a floor plan symbol. Firstly, symbols in architectural designs show what needs to be built and placed as well as where. A drawing's title block is made up of the information boxes that are located in the bottom right corner and that list the drawing's title, author, scale, and creation date.

To know more about symbol visit:



Is Gulliver Travels a real story?


Gulliver's Travels, a satirical classic, was penned in 1726 by an Irish author and clergyman. "Gulliver's Travels," a fantasy novel by Jonathan Swift, has numerous entirely fictional facts.

What is Gulliver Travels?

A satirical classic, Gulliver's Travels is a 1726 book written by an Irish author and clergyman.

Jonathan Swift's fantasy book "Gulliver's Travels" has a lot of wholly made-up details.

In the narrative, the Lilliputian people live on the imaginary island of Lilliput.

The fictional Lemuel Gulliver serves as both the protagonist and the narrator of Jonathan Swift's 1726 book Gulliver's Travels.

By Lemuel Gulliver is a prose satire written in 1726 by the Anglo-Irish author and priest Jonathan Swift that parodies both human nature and the literary genre of "travelers' tales."

Therefore, Gulliver's Travels, a satirical classic, was penned in 1726 by an Irish author and clergyman. "Gulliver's Travels," a fantasy novel by Jonathan Swift, has numerous entirely fictional facts.

Know more about Gulliver Travels here:



Does the FCC protect consumers?


The protection of consumers is the cornerstone of our work at the FCC, notably in the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau. Top of mind is preventing consumers from receiving unlawful robocalls.

How does the FCC help individuals?

The Federal Communications Commission oversees all forms of wire, satellite, cable, radio, and television communication. While fostering connectivity, the Commission seeks to ensure a robust and competitive market.

What three of the six complaint types listed by the FCC apply to you?

If you desire to submit a complaint on behalf of a consumer regarding the issue you are experiencing, use one of the six category icons under "File a Complaint" (TV, phone, radio, emergency communications, access for people with disabilities).

To know more about consumer :



What was the effect of the Schenck case?


The clear and present danger test was outlined by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. in the ruling, which established that Congress has more latitude than in peacetime to restrict speech.

How did the Schenck v. US case affect things?

The famous "clear and present danger" test was created by the Supreme Court in Schenck v. United States (1919) to determine when a state could constitutionally restrict an individual's First Amendment-protected right to free speech.

What is the Schenck case and its importance?

United States, a legal case in which the Supreme Court of the United States decided on March 3, 1919, that the First Amendment's protection of free speech could be limited if the words spoken or printed represented a "clear and present danger" to society.

To learn more about First Amendment here:



What are 3 major events of the Protestant Reformation?


Luther takes the pope to task in 1517, Reformist zeal sweeps the south in 1519 and Rome flexes its muscles in 1520 are 3 major events of the Protestant Reformation.

A 16th-century religious movement that started as an effort to reform the Roman Catholic Church and led to the establishment of Protestant churches. When Henry VIII was king of England, his desire to have his marriage declared null and void resulted in a dispute with the pope, which caused England to secede from the Roman Catholic Church and adopt Protestantism. Martin Luther left the Church, sparked the Protestant Reformation, and gave rise to numerous new Christian faiths. The main outcome of reformation was the emergence of new Christian denominations.

To learn more about the protestant reformation, click at:



which of the following best describes the message in the political cartoon? contributions from special interests have undermined fair and competitive political campaigns. placing limits on special interest contributions would not diminish the role of money in elections. although money garners attention from the media and voters, it does not influence how people vote. special interests have a large amount of cash but a small number of votes to use to influence elections.


The message in the political cartoon is contributions from special interests have undermined fair and competitive political campaigns.

Several elements give an explanation for political participation. They consist of socioeconomic status, degrees of civic engagement, formal obstacles, and efforts through political establishments to mobilize people. Political cartoons (additionally called editorial cartoons) are described as illustrations or comedian strips containing a political or social message that generally pertains to modern occasions or personalities. political cartoon, a drawing (frequently consisting of caricature) made for the reason of conveying editorial observation on politics, politicians, and modern occasions.

Thus, contributions from special interests have undermined fair and competitive political campaigns is the bets message.

To learn more about political participation check the link below:



Did Snowball betray the farm?


Answer: Yes

Explanation: Napoleon justifies his takeover by telling the other animals that Snowball was a traitor secretly working for the human farmers.

What similarities and differences do you notice between Napoleon and Snowball?


Based on the book Animal Farm, the similarities and differences that are noticed between Napoleon and Snowball are: similarities in species and differences in ideas.

What is the book Animal Farm?

Animal Farm is generally considered a beast fable, that was written in a satirical allegorical novella, by George Orwell.

The ebook which was first published in England on 17 August 1945, tells the story of a group of farm animals who rebel against their human farmer, hoping to establish a society where the animals can be equal, unrestricted, and delighted.

However, in the book, there are characters called Snowballs and Napoleon, each having similarities and differences.

The similarity between Napoleon and Snowball are: They both thought that after eliminating the people, the farm should be reorganized.Also, they are both considered the same species, with a similar pure pose, good leadership characteristics, and outspokenness and intelligence.

Differences between Napoleon and Snowball are: While Napoleon focuses on the now, Snowball is a leader who was thinking about the future of his country. Napoleon has larger but Snowball is more articulate and able to come up with great ideas.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that Napoleon and Snowball have varying similarities and differences.

Learn more about Animal Farm here: https://brainly.com/question/11752825


What are the 3 classification levels of information?


According to EO 12356, there are three classification levels for information systems in the United States: Top Secret, Secret, and Confidential.

Material that a government agency regards to be sensitive information that has to be protected is classified information. Laws and regulations limit access to specific groups of people with the required security clearance and need to know, and improper handling of the information can result in criminal consequences.

In order to see or handle classified material, a formal security clearance is necessary. A thorough background check is necessary for the clearance process. Documents and other material must be appropriately labeled "by the author" with one of various (hierarchical) sensitivity levels, such as restricted, confidential, secret, and top secret.

Learn more about "  levels of information " to visit here;



What is westernization in India?


Westernization in India is the process of Indian society adopting Western culture, customs, values, beliefs, and lifestyles.

The Impact of Westernization on Indian Society

Westernization in India is the process of Indian society adopting Western culture, customs, values, beliefs, and lifestyles.

This includes the adoption of western fashion, technology, food, language, music, media, and other aspects of Western culture. Westernization has been taking place in India for centuries, and has been increasing in recent years due to increased globalization.

Learn more about Westernization in India at: https://brainly.com/question/13066349


What are the traditional values?



Traditional values are your responsibilities to your family, your spouse, your parents, your children, and your society; IT is your knowledge and your work.


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