10 important things about the Paleolithic era


Answer 1


Stone-tipped spears, Bow & arrows, Harpoons, and hand axes.

Dogs, for example, are thought to have been domesticated during the Paleolithic period. During the Upper Paleolithic Age, man was able to follow animal movement for hunting reasons because to the usage of calendars.


I only know 5 hope you can get the ither half now.

Related Questions

Give three reason why people might not vote?



Citizens are less likely to vote if they don’t think their ballot matters.

Voters who don’t feel candidates represent their views might choose to opt-out.

They don't understand the point, or they don't understand how to vote or what it does.

1: they don’t care

2: they might not agree with either side republican nor democrat

3: just don’t want to

Are the bill's ethics provisions necessary? why or why not

I need helppp​



An important distinction exists between law and ethics. Obeying the law is the minimum level of ethical conduct enforced in society; ethical behavior includes more than simply legal behavior.πThis requirement has given corporations strong incentives to formulate codes of ethics in order to win investor confidence.


Why did Japan Invade Manchuria? What was the reaction by other countries in the world and what does it help eventually lead to in the world?


Answer:1.Seeking raw materials to fuel its growing industries, Japan invaded the Chinese province of Manchuria in 1931. By 1937 Japan controlled large sections of China, and accusations of war crimes against the Chinese became commonplace.

2.Although World War II brought the two countries into alliance, based on the common aim of defeating Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union's aggressive, antidemocratic.



Why did Japan Invade Manchuria?

Japan invaded Manchuria in search of raw materials to fuel their own personal gains such as industrial growth and in hope of building an empire.

What was the reaction by other countries in the world?

One reaction from the United States was disagreement. The American government did not agree with Japan's actions in Manchuria, China. In response, America sent troops over to the coast of Japan in the Pacific Ocean.

Japan eventually declared war with America due to competing interests they both shared for Chinese markets and natural resources that resided in Asia.

Hope this helped!

is union a trust in restraint of trade



Thus, joint efforts by a group of employers and a union to influence public officials do not violate the antitrust laws even though intended to eliminate competition. Such conduct is not illegal, either standing alone or as part of a broader scheme that itself violates the Sherman Act.

hope this helps.

The Artides of Confederation is considered which of the following?
A strong central or federal government
B A simple document
The constitution of the United States
D. A government that gave too little power to the states



Pretty sure its C. The Articles of Confederation is considered the first constitution of the United States.

What was life like for the Cherokee in Georgia, according to Boudinot?



According to Boudinot, what was life like for the Cherokee in Georgia? very dark and gloomy "misery" What does Boudinot hope will happen if the Cherokees move west? that they will rise once and become very happy and very wealthy. Indian Removal flocabulary quiz


How did the American revolution start


Answer: The Revolutionary War (1775-83), also known as the American Revolution, arose from growing tensions between residents of Great Britain’s 13 North American colonies and the colonial government, which represented the British crown. The cause of the American Revolution stemmed primarily because of the disagreements between the English colonists, the British Parliament and its king, but the most significant cause was the king’s regulation over the economy of the colonies without consulting with the colonists and imposed unjustly taxes.

Explanation: did a paper on the American revolution  hope this helps :)

Write your research question below.

Remember, you can go back to take another look at your prompt.


A research question refers to the question that the researcher seeks to provide a response to.

Your question is incomplete. Therefore, an overview of a research question will be given. A research question is a question around which a person centers his or her research.

A research question is an answerable inquiry into a specific issue. It's usually the initial step in a research project. A research question should be clear, focused, concise, and arguable.

A research question is vital for the research process as it helps writers focus their research through the writing process. The steps to develop a research question include:

Choose an interesting topic.Do some research on the topic.Consider your audience.Ask questions.Evaluate the question.Begin the research.

Read related link on:



What is the problem to be solved? Every good research project solves some particular problem.


Please help me what is the answer true or false


Answer: False

Explanation: I read about it :3

My dear Fellow Clergymen, While confined here in the Birmingham City Jail, I came across your recent statement calling our present activities "unwise and untimely." Seldom, if ever, do I pause to answer criticism of my work and ideas. If I sought to answer all of the criticisms that cross my desk, my secretaries would be engaged in little else in the course of the day, and I would have no time for constructive work. But since I feel that you are men of genuine goodwill and your criticisms are sincerely set forth, I would like to answer your statement in what I hope will be patient and reasonable terms. –“Letter from Birmingham Jail,” Martin Luther King Jr. What were King’s reasons for writing this letter? Check all that apply. to respond to criticism to ask for help with organizing a protest to gain the support of other ministers to criticize the work of other activists to explain the reasons for his choices



The answer is a, c, e.


Its right on edge/time4learning.

How did the Salem Witch Trials influence the development of the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

A. They showed the need for legal procedures to protect those accused of crimes.

B. They protected the freedom of religion in the colony.

C. They ruled that only Puritans could run for office and vote.

D. They set a precedent for determining how people were banished from the colony.


I have the very same question on a test! Do you possibly have the answer to it as well? I’ve been looking for it

What change did industrialization bring to the children


It brought child labor in unethical conditions.

It was during the First World War that a silent pilgrimage took its
first steps within the borders of this country. ... It would not end
until the 1970s. ... Over the course of six decades, some six
million black southerners left the land of their forefathers and
fanned out across the country for an uncertain existence in nearly
every other corner of America. ...
-Isabel Wilkerson, The Warmth of Other Suns: The
Epic Story of America's Great Migration, 2010
What was a primary reason for the demographic shift described in this excerpt?
Increased demand for sharecroppers in the North
Limited economic opportunities for African Americans in the South
Increased availability of manufactured goods in the North
A lack of educational institutions for African Americans in the South



Limited economic opportunities for African Americans in the South


According to Thomas Paine how should America respond to the mistreatment they have faced from the British?



Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet called common


the pamphlet was basically letting off a series of why the colonists should be free and how long George was treating them unfairly. I'm pretty sure he insults king George a couple of times in it.

What was Hitler first step to East ?



Hitler's indispensable first step was to have the bans lifted on the Nazi Party and its newspaper, the Völkischer Beobachter.



as part of operation Barbarossa hitler wanted to invade the soviet union. he invaded major cities like kursk Stalingrad Leningrad kiev but failed and invade moscow and was kicked back till Berlin

Before civil war [slavery] essay




The pre–Civil War years (1820–1860, or the “antebellum years”) were among the most chaotic in American history—a time of significant changes that took place as the United States came of age. During these years, the nation was transformed from an underdeveloped nation of farmers and frontiersmen into an urbanized economic powerhouse. As the industrialized North and the agricultural South grew further apart, five major trends dominated American economic, social, and political life during this period.

First, the Market Revolution—the shift from an agricultural economy to one based on wages and the exchange of goods and services—completely changed the northern and western economies between 1820 and 1860. After Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin and perfected manufacturing with interchangeable parts, the North experienced a manufacturing boom that continued well into the next century. Cyrus McCormick’s mechanical mower-reaper also revolutionized grain production in the West. Internal improvements such as the Erie Canal and the Cumberland Road, combined with new modes of transportation such as the steamboat and railroad, allowed goods and crops to flow easily and cheaply between the agricultural West and manufacturing North. The growth of manufacturing also spawned the wage-labor system.

Second, American society urbanized drastically during this era. The United States had been a land comprised almost entirely of farmers, but around 1820, millions of people began to move to the cities. They, along with several million Irish and German immigrants, flooded northern cities to find jobs in the new industrial economy. The advent of the wage-labor system played a large role in transforming the social fabric because it gave birth to America’s first middle class. Comprised mostly of white-collar workers and skilled laborers, this growing middle class became the driving force behind a variety of reform movements. Among these were movements to reduce consumption of alcohol, eliminate prostitution, improve prisons and insane asylums, improve education, and ban slavery. Religious revivalism, resulting from the Second Great Awakening, also had a large impact on American life in all parts of the country.

Third, the major political struggles during the antebellum period focused on states’ rights. Southern states were dominated by “states’ righters”—those who believed that the individual states should have the final say in matters of interpreting the Constitution. Inspired by the old Democratic-Republicans, John C. Calhoun argued in his “South Carolina Exposition and Protest” essay that the states had the right to nullify laws that they deemed unconstitutional because the states themselves had created the Constitution. Others, such as President Andrew Jackson and Chief Justice John Marshall, believed that the federal government had authority over the states. The debate came to a head in the Nullification Crisis of 1832–1833, which nearly touched off a civil war.

Fourth, and closely tied to the states’ rights issue, was the debate over slavery—the most divisive issue the nation had yet faced. Between 1820 and 1860, more and more northerners came to realize the horrors and injustices of slavery, while southerners grew increasingly reliant upon it to support their cotton-based economy. Northerners did not necessarily want social and political equality for blacks; they sought merely their emancipation. The debate in politics centered primarily on the westward expansion of slavery, which southern elites saw as vital to the survival of their aristocratic social and economic order. Others vehemently opposed the expansion of slavery outside the South. The debate was critical in the Missouri crisis, the annexation of Texas, and after the Mexican War.

Finally, the issue of westward expansion itself had a profound effect on American politics and society during the antebellum years. In the wake of the War of 1812, many nationalistic Americans believed that God intended for them to spread democracy and Protestantism across the entire continent. This idea of “manifest destiny” spurred over a million Americans to sell their homes in the East and set out on treacherous Oregon, Mormon, Santa Fe, and California Trails. Policymakers capitalized on public sentiment to acquire Florida and Oregon and declared war on Mexico in 1846 to seize Texas, California, and everything in between.

Ultimately, these trends irreconcilably split the North from the South. The Market Revolution, wage labor, improved transportation, social reforms, and growing middle class of the North all clashed with the deep-seated, almost feudal social hierarchies of the South. Each successive debate on slavery and westward expansion drove the regions further apart until finally, in the 1850s, the North and the South were two wildly different places, culturally, socially, and economically.


This is the essay. Hope This Helps!

Mordecai is a young Jewish man living in the year 1903. What sentence would MOST likely describe his daily situation?
Mordecai has helped sew uniforms for the soldiers and returns to the walled ghetto.
Mordecai is tired from ruling all day and retires to his private room in the palace.
Mordecal has worked hard in a coal mill, returning to a small shack to see his family.
Mordecal closes his office and walks toward his home in a nice, middle-class neighborhood.


Answer: Mordecai has ed sew uniforms for the soldiers and returns to the walled ghetto.


d Mordecai has helped sew uniforms for the soldiers and returns to the walled ghetto.



● How did their religion connect with nature?
● How did hammurabi's code create order in society?​


Religion was central to Mesopotamians as they believed the divine affected every aspect of human life. Mesopotamians were polytheistic; they worshipped several major gods and thousands of minor gods. ... In early Mesopotamia, priests were the initial rulers as all authority came from the god.The Hammurabi code of laws, a collection of 282 rules, established standards for commercial interactions and set fines and punishments to meet the requirements of justice. Hammurabi's Code was carved onto a massive, finger-shaped black stone stele (pillar) that was looted by invaders and finally rediscovered in 1901.09


the different gods and goddesses may be representations of forces of nature.

The recording and public display of the laws showed Hammurabi's determination to promote order in society with just laws.


I think I did this before in 6th grade.

Which causes did the American Revolution and the French Revolution share? Select all that apply.

Enlightenment ideals

years of unwanted taxes

oppressive oligarchical governments

comprehensive economic reforms



unwanted taxes & enlightenment ideals

phân tích ý nghĩa của công xả Pari


Answer:- Mặc dù thất bại nhưng Công xã Pa-ri có ý nghĩa và ảnh hưởng to lớn đối với cuộc đấu tranh của giai cấp vô sản toàn thế giới.

- Những chính sách mà Công xã Pa-ri đề ra thể hiện sự sáng tạo hình thức nhà nước kiểu mới dựa trên cơ sở dân chủ vô sản và hoạt động lợi ích của đa số nhân dân lao động.

- Là hình ảnh của chế độ xã hội mới tiến bộ, cổ vũ nhân dân lao động toàn thế giới đấu tranh cho một xã hội tốt đẹp hơn.

- Mặc dù thất bại nhưng Công xã Pa-ri có ý nghĩa và ảnh hưởng to lớn đối với cuộc đấu tranh của giai cấp vô sản toàn thế giới.

- Những chính sách mà Công xã Pa-ri đề ra thể hiện sự sáng tạo hình thức nhà nước kiểu mới dựa trên cơ sở dân chủ vô sản và hoạt động lợi ích của đa số nhân dân lao động.

- Là hình ảnh của chế độ xã hội mới tiến bộ, cổ vũ nhân dân lao động toàn thế giới đấu tranh cho một xã hội tốt đẹp hơn.



No I like threeee better


very nice, i think that the anser would be 2


it would be 2 beacuse the fitness gram pacer test is a

Why was England the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution?



because that was where it paid to invent it.

Why was having a limited government a weakness for the articles of confederation?

Why was having a unicameral Congress a weakness for the articles of confederation?

Why was having no National give a weakness for the articles of confederation?

Why was having no executive branch a weakness for the articles of confederation?

Why was having a confederation a weakness for the articles of confederation?




A I think


seems right if I'm wrong let me know

Until 100 years ago, Africa. History ( for the most part) was not written down, but passed on by the..?



word of mouth.


It's the only other way to tell history. Many other people and places do the same thing.

Which actually would have taken place after meal with thick revolution but not before



The Neolithic was superseded by the Bronze Age in the Old World, when human communities discovered how to alloy copper and tin to produce bronze, which supplanted stone as a device and weapon.


Thank you! Please Mark Brainliest! :)

Edit - The answer then would be D. Sorry I got carried away. I apologize.

d its for sure d or b snnsnsb had to write that to make it 20 words

how did humanism influence the growth of learning?


Task 2: Essay
Should there be special rules about where motorbikes can and cannot be driven? Should motorbikes have to
obey the same rules as cars do? Explain, giving specific reasons to support your opinion,

how many amendments are there all together, including the ones in the bill of rights?


27 amendments were made.

WILL GIVE BRANLEST The fall line is characterized by which physical feature? A. Mountain ranges B. Foothills C. Waterfalls D. Wetlands and swamps​



The fall line is mostly characterized by waterfalls and rapids.

So the answer is C.

What did King George III ban in his Proclamation of 1763?

Exploration of the Arctic
Singing on Sunday
Westward expansion
Working in mining



The proclamation outlawed the private purchase of Native American land, which had often created problems in the past.


Hope i helped!

Westward expansion

Since Britain didn’t want to anger the natives living west of the appellation mountains, George iii banned westward expansion in the treaty of Paris.

Writer's message within NON-FICTION



Narrative Writing


Other Questions
56.75mL of 0.256 HI M reacts with 10.00mL sample of NaOH, what is the molarity of sodium hydroxide? PLS FAST!! WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!!! 30 POINTS!!! In two or three sentences, explain each of the following:a situation in which it would be better to have or use a low-resolution photographa situation in which it would be better to have or use a high-resolution photographAfter posting your responses, respond to your classmates' described situations involving low- and high-resolution photographs. You can build on their ideas, pose questions, or politely agree or disagree with them. While the world was shocked to hear the reports of Kristallnacht, most countries felt they could do little to help German Jews. Britain did come forward with an operation called Kindertransport.Which theory serves to BEST explain the success of Kindertransport?It was easier to appeal to British people to save children.Those involved did not realize they were transporting Jews.Britain's postwar economy was more successful than others.The Nazis were more sympathetic to the plight of Jewish children. How many gallons of gas did I Maria use? When you have allotted money for all your bills and needs and paid yourself first by putting money aside, you might have a little money left over. What is this money called? which objective lens will still remain in focus when placed at the longest working distance from the specimen? explain the effects the french and indian war had on the britsh government and the coloniesty for your help! 17. Why is it important to identify the stakeholders of a business? In your own words 11 4--- x ---20 14 There was once a crow who did not like his feathers. "I wish I were a peacck!" he would say. "You are beautiful as you are!" the other crows insisted. "How plain and dull you seem to me!" he'd complain, and fly off to admire peaccks.The peaccks walked around with their colourful tail feathers outstretched. To the delight of the crow, some of the peacck feathers lay on the ground when the peaccks left. Crow flew down to the ground and stuck the feathers into his wings and tail. He attached a few sticking up from his head. "Now I am as beautiful as a peacck," he said. But, when he went to join them in their walking, the peaccks punched him and hit him. What a fuss! "You are not a peacck," they said, "Don't imitate us!" Bruised and still dragging some broken peacck feathers in his tail, he returned home.After all his insults, no one wanted his company! As he sat alone, the other crows said, "It's foolish to try and be what you're not. Learn to love the feathers you've got.1. What is the story about?2. Mention the characters and what are the characters like.3. Mention the setting(time or place) of the story?4. What happened to the main character at the beginning of the story?5. What are the problems that the characters face6. How did the story end?7. What can we learn from the story? 30 POINTS!!Scientists must use microscopes to study the cells of living things. Explain why microscopes are necessary to study cells. Then, describe some things microscopes have helped scientists discover about cells 1. What is the degree? *For the polynomial 10x2 8x4 + x3 +5,Your answer Edit the following sentences to eliminate problems with subject-verb agreement and write the edited sentence. If a sentence is correct, write "correct."Jack's first days in the infantry was gruellingJack's first days in the infantry were gruelling6. The presence of certain bacteria in our bodies are one of the factors that determines our overall health. 7.-Leah is the only one of the many applicants who has the ability to step into this job.correct 8. Neither the explorer nor his companions was ever seen again. Write a journal entry as Sethe or Denver, describing how you feel about Paul Ds arrival. How do you think it will change life in 124? *Each journal entry should be at least one complete paragraph. No linksDon't answer if you don't know what to writeNeed this ASAP an army commander wishing to arrange his soldiers, who were 8289 in number in the form of a square found that there were 8 soldiers left over. how many soldiers were there in each row? 53x-9 divided by 7.6xhow do u do this aaaa Can someone explain this to me? I need to use the words on top and i dont know which one goes for which Es la distancia recta que separa el punto de partida del punto de llegada. A) lnea. B) trayecto C)desplazamiento y=mx+b m= rise/run = change in Y/change in x/ b= y-intecept. In the college class, there were 15 students that came to the review class before the test. This was 30% of the students in class. How many students were in the class, altogether?