1. The federal government is considering some fiscal policy alternatives. Will its choice between the following pairs of policy changes influence the level of aggregate demand, and if so how?
a) An increase in taxes of 100 versus a reduction in transfer payments of 100.
b) An increase in highway construction of 100 versus an increase in Social Security benefits of 100.
c) A reduction in military procurement of 100 versus a reduction in scientific research of 100.
d) A reduction in mass transit programs of 100 versus a tax increase of 100.

2. Consider an economy in which the marginal propensity to consume is two-thirds, prices are constant, the multiplier is three, G is initially 1,000, taxes are autonomous (not related to income) and are initially 1,300, transfer payments are initially 300, and GDP is initially 7,000.
a) The government wishes to increase GDP to 7,300, and it is considering changing government purchases, or taxes, or transfer payments. What new levels of these fiscal policy tools would be needed? In each case, what would the new government surplus or deficit be?
b) Suppose instead that the government wished to reduce GDP to 6,400 and, again, it was considering using only one of its three available fiscal policy tools. What level of these tools would be needed? In each case, what would the government surplus or deficit be?
c) Suppose instead that the government wished to raise GDP to 7,100, but it was unwilling to run a surplus or deficit. Therefore the change in government purchases would have to be matched by an equal change in taxes. What change in government purchases and taxes would be needed?

3. The Sixteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, adopted in 1913, permitted an American income tax for the first time. In view of this, explain why the multiplier was either higher or lower in the 19th century than it is today.

4. Assume that people do not change the amount of currency they wish to have in circulation. When a bank finds itself with excess reserves, it lends the excess; the borrower generally uses the funds to pay a third party, who in turn deposits the funds in a different bank. In each of the following cases, use balance sheets to trace the process of money creation (or contraction) through three banks, showing the change in the money supply at each stage.
a) Paul Prospector discovers a million dollars worth of gold, and deposits it in his bank. The required reserve ratio is 20 percent. (Hint: Use Accounting Ledger)

5. How much money in the form of bank deposits will $100 million in reserves support, if the reserve ratio is 10 percent, 20 percent, 25 percent, 33.3 percent, 50 percent, 100 percent?


Answer 1


I'm positive that the answer is A. increase consumer spending


UwU np

Related Questions

Explain how people need for transportation changed as the United States grew.include evidence from the text to support your answer


Answer: America's economic transformation in the early 1800's was linked to dramatic changes in transportation networks. Construction of roads, canals, and railroads led to the expansion of markets, facilitated the movement of peoples, and altered the physical landscape.


But the great security against a gradual concentration of the several powers in the same department, consists of giving those who administer each department, the necessary constitutional means, and personal motives, to resist encroachment of the others.”
Source: James Madison, President of the United States (1809-1817), The Federalist Papers: No. 51, published February 8, 1788

In this excerpt, Madison is referring to which ONE of the following US government foundational principles?

Select one:

Social contract


Natural rights

Separation of powers


Answer: D


But the great security against a gradual concentration of the several powers in the same department, consists of giving those who administer each department, the necessary constitutional means, and personal motives, to resist encroachment of the others.”

This statement was given by James Madison while supporting his stands for separation of power for the U.S.A political system.

James Madison emphasized on Separation of Power and quoted that "The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many... may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny."

Who was James Madison?

James Madison was the fourth President of the U.S.A and is hailed as the Father of the Constitution for his pivot role in drafting and promoting the Constitution of the U.S.A and Bill of Rights.

James Madison was worried about creating the institution which would check the personal ambition of one branch over another branch resulting into breakdown of governing machinery.

He supported Montesquieu theory of Separation of Power which states that each different branch, jealous of its own powers, would keep the other branches limited in their powers

What is Separation of Power?

The Separation of Power is a theory given by Montesquieu according to which the "When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person or body and there can be no liberty, because apprehensions may arise lest the same monarch or senate should enact tyrannical laws, to execute them in a tyrannical manner.

Thus if the power of judging joined with the legislative, the life and liberty of the subject would be exposed to arbitrary control, for the judge would then be the legislator. Were it joined to the executive power, the judge might behave with all the violence of an oppressor.

Separation of Power focuses three branches of the governing system i.e. legislature, executive and judiciary called  trias politica model should function within their own domain without interfering in the functioning of the other two branches.

This system is important as it will prevent frequent clashes which not only would make the functioning of  government slow but would also end up in damaging the whole system.

Separation of Power in modern world is a concept introduced by U.S.A and many other countries are also following the same system for the better administrative functioning of the country.

To learn more about James Madison here



¿Cuál de los vasos representa el efecto invernadero normal? ¿Cuál de los vasos representa el calentamiento global por efecto invernadero? ¿Cómo este experimento te puede ayudar a explicar otros fenómenos del efecto invernadero?



Todas estas actividades humanas agregan gases de efecto invernadero a la atmósfera, atrapando más calor de lo habitual y contribuyendo al calentamiento global.

Espero que esto ayude:)

Which act or acts resulted in a British tax on lead, paint, and glass?
A. Stamp Act.
B. Currency Act.
C.Townshend Acts.
D. Sugar Act.



Townshend Duties The Townshend Acts


The Townshend Acts, named after Charles Townshend, British chancellor of the Exchequer, imposed duties on British china, glass, lead, paint, paper and tea imported to the colonies

Which city or cities only have two seasons?


new york new york new york

. Language is developing among people. You have heard from hunters in
another clan about a land bridge that crosses to a new area where there is
an abundant supply of animals and plants. Your clan migrates to a new area
Does this describe a PUSH or a PULL factor? What about the scenario
makes you think this way?


Answer:1 Scenario 1:

Massive droughts occur where you are now living. The inland river that has served as the water supply for your clan is almost dry. Your clan migrates to a new area.

2 Scenario 2:

Your clan hunts springbok and other animals for food. The herds have grown and can no longer find enough plants to eat; the herds have left your area. Your clan migrates to a new area.

3 Scenario 3:

Hunters from your clan discovered a coastal area that would make living easier than it is inland. Shellfish are abundant there, which would supplement your hunting and gathering. The climate is also warmer. Your clan migrates to a new area.

4 Scenario 4:

You live in an inland area where the climate is gradually becoming colder. This is changing the availability of plants that your clan gathers, as well as the availability of animals for hunting. Your clan migrates to a new area.

5 Scenario 5:

You are living in a grassland area. Some people in your clan have figured out how to make stone tools that help in hunting. You have heard that more and better stones are available in an area not too far away.

6 Scenario 6:

A neighboring clan has superior tool making skills compared to your clan, making them better hunters. Because this clan has more food, they become stronger and grow larger. They are expanding closer to where you live. Your clan migrates to a new area.


1. Give one word for the following – Material through which we cannot see clearly or see partially .​



translucent Add to list Share. A translucent material lets light pass through, but objects on the other side can't be seen clearly. Think Shrinky Dinks or stained glass.


have a great day

I need help//////////////::::



1.Great Britain


3. Madagascar

4. Malaysia


6. Japan

7. New Zealand

8. Iceland



Looking at the media coverage of the "Lives Matter" movements, did the coverage make it seem like it was possible for a person to support both movements or did it seem like a person had to pick a side? Do you feel it is possible to support both sides? Explain



Lives matter movement in the media is slowly dying down lately. even in the media. but before when it was still a topic that's constantly got brought up in conversations people usually choose a side between all lives matter, white lives matter, and black lives matter. the media/ news doesn't really choose a side because it only reports what big is happening in the world. while other social media influencers choose sides, most would choose back lives matter. a lot of them would go on protests and riots just to prove their point. although some support white lives matter or all lives matter. with this, in mind, I do think that it isn't easy to support both sides but it is possible. it isn't easy because people would always judge you by your opinion but it is possible because in your head you'd know how you really feel.


I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense.

What is the difference between contact and non-contact cultures? Define and offer examples.



contact culture is when there are Cultural groups in which people tend to stand close together and touch frequently when they interact together EG:china Japan. A noncontact culture is when Cultural groups tend to maintain more space and often less touch than contact cultures."EG:Finland United states

What kind of skills/attitudes/worldviews do you think are desirable in a 'global citizen'? In other words, what kind of person is a 'good'/'bad' global citizen?



Kindness, friendliness, intelligence, honesty, and loyalty makes a good global citizen


Name a clastic sedimentary rock made from sediments of 0.05 cm.



Metamorphic Rock


have a great day and please mark brainliest




Silt and clay are the smallest sediments before one considers dissolved minerals in water. Silt particles range in diameter from 0.0004 cm to 0.006 cm and clay is less than 0.0004 cm in di- ameter.

when someone else answers can I get Brainliest?

vì sao nói vận động là phương thức tồn tại của vật chất, là thuộc tính cố hữu của vật chất?



Motion is the mode of existence of matter. ... It is not introduced from outside but is included in matter, which is not inert but active. Motion is self-motion in the sense that the tendency, the impulse to change of state is inherent in matter itself: it is its own cause.



why is it dangerous to connect with metal in the thunder storms​



Because it will attract the lightning to the metal.


ot is because the metal can conduct the electricity and electrocute you.


Sonam Choki mark me brainlist


4. What connection does the author draw between technology and the
end of colonization in Africa?
A The creation of new technologies meant that Europeans no longer
needed raw materials from Africa.
B African peoples developed their own technology that enabled them
to defeat the Europeans in battle.
C The atrocities of the Europeans were captured in photographs that
turned public opinion against colonization.
D The Americans under Franklin Roosevelt used their military
technology to force Europeans to give up their African colonies.

Common lit







Does Arachnoidiscus ehrenbergii have a nucleus?








It is bound by a cell membrane, and possesses a nucleus which acts as its brain. Arachnoidiscus ehrenbergi is an example of diatoms which are unicellular, therefore it is a cell.

Hope this helps :)

Pls make brainliest :P

And have an amazing day <3

Give an example of things moving, and one example of ideas moving.



rotation is an example The interchange of ideas throughout nations allows the human civilization to grow. ... We do this movement of ideas by using the invention of the airplane,mailing,internet,etc.


what do you understand about this phrase, "the ending of the Roman empire is the beginning of the Modern History?" ( tell me more about it )



The Western Roman Empire officially ended 4 September 476 CE, when Emperor Romulus Augustulus was deposed by the Germanic King Odoacer (though some historians date the end as 480 CE with the death of Julius Nepos).


Which of the following best explains the creation of the National Aeronautics and Space Act, creating the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)?

The Soviet Union launched Sputnik into orbit.
To be able to deploy weapons from space to specified targets
The Kennedy Assassination
To place satellites in place to monitor Cold War progress by the communists



1:c 2:a 3: "in less than six years the odds have changed from 9 to 1 in our favor to 8 to 5 against us." AND "The truth of this statement is becoming terrifyingly clear as we see this country each day losing on every front"


I just took it y'all


2. Sue and Kelly are hardworking. (students)
3. Dana is talkative and funny. (girl)
4. He's serious but friendly. (guy)
5. She's generous. (mother)​


The best way to correctly complete the sentences are:

Sue and Kelly are both hardworking students Dana is a talkative and funny girl He's a serious but friendly guy She's a generous mother

From the given sentences, we can see that there is an error in each of the sentences.

The errors in the sentences were the omission of the article "a" which made the sentences complete.

Furthermore, the word "both" which compares Sue and Kelly was also omitted in the first sentence.

Read more here:


a. What do Hammurabi's laws suggest about personal responsibility and accountability in Babylonian times?

b. Does that same level of personal responsibility accountability exist today in the U.S.?


Hammurabi described in Babylon time that There was a social pecking order present in ancient Babylonia in which the nobles were ranked above freedmen and over slaves. No it's not exist now a-days in US

Answer this please I really need help with this homework I'll give you likes


7) last British colony
8) James Oglethorpe
9) debtors
10) Spain
11) Savannah
12) Religious
13) landholding
14) Rum
15) King

Hope this helps!



Just needed some points :)

patulong po AHAHAHAHHAH​



zara sa time dedo miss abhi kra ke deta hu

kon see class ka hai

our modern architecture is highly influenced by the European style.​



there's only sentence

whats the whole question?!

Try again Dear

have a great day ahead

plz mark me as brainliest.


I dont quiet understand this any help?
Really appreciate if could answer all​



Billie Eilish, who's (who has) had several hit songs recently, is one of my favorite singers. Danielle, who's (who has) lived in Australia for the past two years, just moved back to the U.S.Jack doesn't know whose number that is.

number of whom. it belongs to someone obviously.

My cousin Mike, who's (who is) one of the funniest people I know, is coming to visit next week. I don't know whose receipt it is, but this lasagna is delicious!

The receipt is "of whom". It must be belonging to someone, and they don't know who that someone is.

My mom asked, "Whose dirty shoes are on the kitchen floor?"

dirty shoes "of whom". shoes belong to someone

Regina, who's (who has) finally recovered from her cold, invited Ariadne to sleep over on Friday.


who's stands for who has or who is."whose" is associated with someone or something, as in of whom/ which.

who's speak of living things, like a person who is funny or who has a resort. whose associates itself with non-living things(MOSTLY! The sentence can also be He's the person whose opinion I respect the most.), or we can say it associates itself with the belongings or characteristics of a living being.

1. who’s
2. who’s
3. whose
4. who’s
5. whose
6. Whose
7. who’s

Was of most importance to ancient greeks



The Greeks made important contributions to philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. Literature and theatre was an important aspect of Greek culture and influenced modern drama. The Greeks were known for their sophisticated sculpture and architecture.


hope it helps

mark me brainliest pls

Which of the following statements is NOT true about myths?
a) they carry similar power to arguments from the past
b) they can be used to identify with the audience
c) they can be used to preserve an event
d) a, b, and c are all correct



its A


correct me if im wrong<3

The correct option is A. they carry similar power to arguments from the past that are not about myths. Myths provide age-old explanations and act as a compass for successive generations.

What does myth teach us?

Myths are tales made up to instruct people about something significant and vital. They were frequently used to educate people about situations like disease and death, earthquakes and floods, and other things they might not always be able to comprehend. Myths and legends are similar, although they differ slightly.

Every culture uses myths to explain natural phenomena, the origins and history of a people, the evolution of their civilization, and the causes of events. At their most fundamental level, myths provide solace by bringing order and significance to what might occasionally appear to be a chaotic world.

Learn more about Myth here:



The map above shows five important rivers in Louisiana. What is the name of the river represented by the number 4?
Pearl River
Mississippi River
Sabine River
Red River


thats the mississippi river

what happens on module 2 dba for m/j civics flvs please help me!! i have until 10:00 A.M tomorrow morning :(


Answer: Call the teacher at the right time.

Explanation: When you call the teacher you say your name, grade and what your calling for. You just review a few things about your module, (Module2). Or sometimes he/she will ask for a specific example.

If you want to be fully prepared read each lesson for that module and take as many notes as possible if needed. The actually DBA Lesson is a review of what is going to be on the DBA.

Tell me if this helps! :)

Have a great day! :)

Other Questions
Ashley correctly compares the values of the digits in 644.66. Select the comparison Ashley could have made.The value of the hundredths digit is 10 times the value of the tenths digit.O The value of the ones digit is1100the value of the tens digit.The value of the tens digit is 10 times the value of the ones digit.The value of the hundreds digit is 100 times the value of the hundredths digit Identify each action as either effective or disruptive to a group discussion.Ask dominant participants to allow others to speak. Interrupt the speaker to ensure that everyone is taking notes. Ask participants to stop speaking if they get off topic. When in doubt, politely ask a speaker to explain his or her point. If a person rudely objects to a speaker's point, ask that person to respect the speaker's opinion. Make sure you get as many opportunities as possible to speak effective action disruptive action A reel if cable weighs 1279 pounds. If the empty reel weighs 285 pounds and the cable weighs 7.1 pounds per foot, the number of feet of cable on the reel is A. 220 B. 180 C. 140 D. 100 E. 80 Look at the picture. What word describes the liquids in stage 1? How many ways can the letters in the word ASK be arranged? A deli sells 480 sandwiches per day at a price of four dollars each. Market survey shows that for every $.10 reduction in the price, 20 more sandwiches will be sold. How much do the deli charge in order to maximize revenue? Find the price of each product after a discount and tax is applied. Phonecharger: $16.55 Discount Rate: 30% Tax Rate: 6% Create your own vigilante that would protect the backcountry. Write a paragraph explaining his/her characteristics, how he/she protects the backcountry, and describe one encounter with outlaws. Use the definition of Regulator Movement in the PPT from Monday. The definition is below:Regulator MovementNo law enforcement in the backcountry, settlers took matters into their own hands.Felt their society needed to be 'regulated' (controlled or supervised)No courts; regulators operated as vigilantes: A self-appointed person or group that operates outside of the law but as an 'officer' of the lawThe movement to provide law & order through self-regulation turned lawless. The 'guilty' was hanged or beaten to death without a jury trial, violating their rights as Englishmen.Circuit Court Act of 1769: Set up 7 circuit courthouses around the colony to provide justice, law & order in the region. Write a story that ends with indeed it pays to be obedient From a laboratory process designed to separate water into hydrogen and oxygen gas, a studentcollected 10.0 g of hydrogen and 79.4 g of oxygen. How much water was originally involved in theprocess? please help me with this. i have trouble finding the slopes in these problems. Please help I will mark brainliest! The input work on pulley system is 75J. If the pulley system is 84 percent efficient, then what is the output work from the pulley system? A borrower is looking for an ARM loan and wants to pay Interest Only for a set amount of time. Which ARM would you recommend for the borrower? Consider the diagram below. The large rectangle represents a piece of construction paper. The small rectangle represents a piece of the construction paper that has been cut out. The area of the large rectangle is 100 cm2. The area of the small rectangle is 25 cm2. What is the area of the construction paper that remains? PLS HURRY will marrk brainliest and 100 points How many gods did the Romans have? 6 1 2 many Which population has the greatest density? how do i solve each of these Use the verb ser to describe what these people are like in three complete sentemay use the adjectives from the box.perezosos(as)trabajador(a)organizado(a)atlticos(as)simpticos(as)modelo:Mis padres son muy trabajadores.Los futbolistas:Pablo y Luis:El maestro: Raina buys candy that costs $5 per pound. She will buy more than 11 pounds of candy. What are the possible amounts she will spend on candy? Use c for the amount (in dollars) Raina will spend on candy.